An oil and gas company undertook a seismic survey campaign for the purpose of informing exploration and drilling activities in the offshore territorial waters off the coast of an Asian country. Presented with the problem of limited existing baseline data pertaining to the fisheries present within the survey area, the company decided to partner with regional and national wildlife conservation groups and two universities to develop a fisheries study.

The purpose of the fisheries study was to collaboratively develop a deeper understanding of fishing activities, fisheries dependent communities, and marine wildlife occurring along the country's coastlines. Overall, the baseline data collected from this fisheries study was used (in part) by the company in order to inform its seismic survey campaign, as well as identify a number of recommendations with respect to sustainable fisheries, coastal livelihoods, and marine biodiversity conservation in the country.

The collaborative effort displayed by the company in working with various organizations and universities to develop the fisheries study was lauded by the country's Department of Fisheries.

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