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  • Community grievance mechanisms in the oil and gas industry
Calendar1 May 2014

This manual provides practical step-by-step guidance on how to plan and implement operational-level community grievance mechanisms (CGMs) and how to design and to manage corporate CGM frameworks. It draws on the practical experiences of seven pilot projects conducted by Ipieca member companies as well as the shared learning from other Ipieca members and stakeholders. Presented in three main sections and subdivided into 'modules', the manual can be read in full or in parts of specific interest to users. Step-by-step overviews are provided throughout, together with practical advice for those implementing or managing CGMs. Also included is an Annex with a broad range of practical CGM tools. Overall, the Manual reflects the industry's positive response to the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), which promote the use, value and power of effective CGMs in facilitating access to remedy.

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