Ipieca and its members are committed to supporting the aims of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the governing body of COP16.

Two of the eight Ipieca Principles, which are a condition of Ipieca membership, are aimed at driving support for the UN CBD:

  • Support the aims of the UN Convention for Biological Diversity
  • Responsibly manage operational impacts on the natural environment and ecosystem services

Ipieca’s work on biodiversity and ecosystem services (BES) is underpinned by the UN CBD. Ipieca works to responsibly integrate the management of BES across the life cycle of oil, gas and alternative energy operations and mainstream the concept of BES issue management within operational practices and management systems.

The Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) includes 23 action-oriented targets for urgent action over the decade to 2030. The actions set out in each target need to be initiated immediately and completed by 2030. Together, the results will enable achievement of CBD’s 2050 vision of a nature positive world.

Ipieca works to raise awareness and support for the GBF, providing good practice guidance to support its implementation across the oil, gas and alternative energy sector. The table below highlights the GBF targets which Ipieca guidance can support oil, gas and alternative energy companies contribute to.

  • Target 1

    Spatial planning of all areas and bring close to zero the loss of areas of high biodiversity importance, including ecosystems of high ecological integrity.

    Ipieca guidance:
    Managing biodiversity and ecosystem services issues along the asset lifecycle in any environment
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Advises on identifying and planning around areas of high biodiversity importance.

    Ipieca guidance:
    Ecosystem services guidance
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Outlines ways to manage areas of land with respect to biodiversity

  • Target 2

    Ensure that at least 30% of degraded terrestrial, inland water, marine and coastal ecosystems are under restoration, enhancing biodiversity and ecosystem services, ecological integrity and connectivity.

    Ipieca guidance:
    Ecosystem services guidance
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Advises on habitat restoration, creation and offsetting to support restoration.

    Ipieca guidance:
    A guide to developing biodiversity action plans
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Makes the case for biodiversity action plans to include offsetting and additional restorative actions.

  • Target 3

    Ensure at least 30% terrestrial, inland water, marine and coastal areas that are important for biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, are conserved and under protection, ensuring that any sustainable use is consistent with conservation outcomes.

    Ipieca guidance:
    Ecosystem services guidance
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Lists conservation actions that could contribute to the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems areas.

    Ipieca guidance:
    Biodiversity and ecosystem services fundamentals
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Recommends avoidance of potential impacts on biodiversity.

    Ipieca guidance:
    Water management framework
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Helps companies contribute to the conservation and protection of inland water, marine and coastal areas.

  • Target 4

    Reducing extinction risk, particular through management actions which halt human induced extinction of known threatened species. Maintaining and restoring genetic diversity, minimising human-wildlife conflict.

    Ipieca guidance:
    A guide to developing biodiversity action plans
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Biodiversity action plans can help to protect habitats of threatened species.

    Ipieca guidance:
    Alien invasive species and energy industry
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Alien invasive species pose a significant threat to biodiversity and ecosystem integrity.

  • Target 6

    Minimising and mitigating the impacts of alien invasive species on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Reducing introduction and establishment of alien invasive species by 50% by 2030.

    Ipieca guidance:
    Alien invasive species and energy industry
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Provides guidance on prevention and mitigation of alien invasive species.

    Ipieca guidance:
    Biodiversity and ecosystem services issues along the asset life cycle in any environment
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Helps to prevent alien invasive species by supporting a robust understanding of pre-existing ecological conditions.

  • Target 7

    Reduce pollution risk and negative impacts of pollution from all sources to levels not harmful to biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services, emphasising highly hazardous chemicals, pesticides and plastic pollution.

    Ipieca guidance:
    Natural climate solutions: high carbon stock ecosystems management
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Advises abatement controls to minimise discharge of emissions and pollutants.

    Ipieca guidance:
    Water management framework
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Provides guidance on the management of produced water, waste water and other effluents.

    Ipieca guidance:
    Environmental management in the upstream oil and gas industry
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Includes a chapter on mitigation measures for offshore and onshore emissions, discharges and wastes.

    Ipieca guidance:
    Oil spill preparedness and response: an introduction
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Provides a framework for effective oil spill preparedness, response and restoration.

  • Target 8

    Nature-based solutions to minimise climate change and ocean acidification impacts on biodiversity.

    Ipieca guidance:
    Natural climate solutions: high carbon stock ecosystems management
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Provides natural climate solutions management practices to ensure that projects deliver positive outcomes to mitigate climate change that also benefit nature and people.

  • Target 10

    Sustainable management, through increased application of biodiversity friendly practices, towards living natural resources areas, i.e. agriculture, aquaculture, fisheries and forestry.

    Ipieca guidance:
    Biodiversity and ecosystem services fundamentals
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Certain offset management strategies will focus on the sustainable management of living natural resource areas.

    Ipieca guidance:
    Reuse of produced water from the onshore oil and gas industry
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Includes case studies of where produced water treated to appropriate levels has become safe to use for beneficial agricultural and forestry purposes.

    Ipieca guidance:
    Offshore impacts to fisheries: practitioner guidance for social baselines
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Helps to enhance benefits for, and avoid or mitigate impacts to, fisheries and fishing communities.

  • Target 11

    Nature based solutions for the restoration, maintenance and enhancement of ecosystem functions and services.

    Ipieca guidance:
    Natural climate solutions: high carbon stock ecosystems management
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Promotes the restoration or rehabilitation of ecosystems impacted by projects.

  • Target 14

    Mainstreaming biodiversity and its values into policy, regulation, planning and development processes.

    Ipieca guidance:
    Biodiversity and ecosystem services fundamentals
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Incudes practices to integrate biodiversity and ecosystem services into governance and business processes.

  • Target 15

    Regular monitoring, assessment and transparent disclosure of risks, dependencies and impacts on biodiversity across operations, supply chains and portfolios.

    Ipieca guidance:
    Sustainability reporting guidance for the oil and gas industry
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Module 3 on environment includes guidance on reporting on management approaches to direct, indirect and cumulative impacts to biodiversity.

    Ipieca guidance:
    Biodiversity and ecosystem services fundamentals
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Promotes the selection, measurement and reporting of biodiversity indicators.

  • Target 16

    Enable sustainable consumption choices to reduce waste and overconsumption.

    Ipieca guidance:
    Circular economy indicators in the oil and gas industry
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Enables oil and gas companies to measure the circularity of their assets and material in/out flows.

  • Target 19

    Increasing financial resources to implement national biodiversity strategies and action plans, encouraging the private sector to invest in biodiversity, stimulating innovative schemes such as biodiversity offsets and credits.

    Ipieca guidance:
    A guide to developing biodiversity action plans
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Covers including resource planning and budget in biodiversity action plans to sustain long-term biodiversity protection.

  • Target 20

    Strengthening technical and scientific cooperation through increasing access to technology and innovation, particularly including developing countries, to build capacity advancing the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.

    Ipieca guidance:
    Biodiversity and ecosystem services fundamentals
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Promotes technical and scientific collaboration with experts and relevant stakeholders to improve understanding of biodiversity issues and the capability to resolve them.

  • Target 21

    Ensuring access to best available data, information and knowledge for decision makers, practitioners and public. Indigenous knowledge to be only used with their free, prior and informed consent.

    Ipieca guidance:
    Good practices for the collection of biodiversity baseline data
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Supports the collection of biodiversity baseline data.

  • Target 22

    Inclusivity in decision-making, access to justice and information related to biodiversity. Inclusivity pertains to Indigenous Peoples and local communities, women and girls, children and youth and persons with disabilities.

    Ipieca guidance:
    Meaningful engagement practitioner guidance
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Supports companies and practitioners to undertake engagement that moves beyond meeting the minimum expectations by providing guidance on broader, inclusive and ongoing two-way processes for ‘meaningful engagement’.

    Ipieca guidance:
    Biodiversity and ecosystem services fundamentals
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Stakeholder engagement is one of the six biodiversity and ecosystem services management practices covered by the guidance.

    Ipieca guidance:
    Identifying and assessing water sources
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Includes a stakeholder engagement section which outlines a collective action approach.

    Ipieca guidance:
    Indigenous Peoples and the oil and gas industry
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Provides a summary of the issues for oil and gas companies to specifically consider when operating in areas used or occupied by Indigenous Peoples, set around the three themes of consultation and engagement, key issues to manage, and benefits sharing.

    Ipieca guidance:
    Integrating human rights into environmental, social and health impact assessments
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Supports the integration of stakeholder engagement throughout the impact assessment process.

  • Target 23

    Gender equality in implementation of framework- equal capacity for women and girls to contribute to framework objectives.

    Ipieca guidance:
    Integrating human rights into environmental, social and health impact assessments
    How does it support the GBF target?
    Highlights how a gendered approach allows for insight into differentiated impacts of projects and recognises women’s full, equitable and meaningful participation in action, engagement and decision-making related to biodiversity.

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