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  • The industry’s contribution to the Global Biodiversity Framework

While governments are primarily responsible for delivering the targets set by the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), the regulations and strategies they set to do so will affect every sector. Successful implementation of the GBF will require businesses to mainstream biodiversity.

The oil, gas, and alternative energy industry can serve as an essential partner in supporting governments to achieve the GBF targets by integrating responsible environmental practices within its operations and sharing its existing knowledge of environmental management with other energy and industry sectors.

The industry undertakes activities to help conserve and restore the natural environment as well as to avoid, reduce and mitigate risks and impacts from operations and products. It is working towards embedding circularity, natural capital and nature positive concepts into operations.

Industry knowledge on managing environmental performance can help to address potential impacts associated with sourcing raw materials as well as land and other resource use necessary to support the scale up of renewable energy.

The industry can make a material impact on many of the GBF targets. The Ipieca members’ actions and contribution opportunities to the Global Biodiversity Framework shares real-life examples of how Ipieca members are contributing to the GBF targets.

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