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  • Webinar: Accelerating CCUS uptake through development in clusters & hubs
Calendar23 October 2023, 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Please note: this event has now passed.

Carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) clusters and their associated hubs are essential to secure the future of emissions intensive industries.

A CCUS cluster network brings together multiple carbon dioxide (CO2) emitters and/or multiple storage locations using shared transportation infrastructure. Areas where there is both a high concentration of CO2 emitting industries and a nearby capacity to store emissions are considered prime sites for cluster developments.

The hub and cluster approach reduces costs and risks for many potential CCUS projects, removing the interdependency between the size of individual emitters, their investment decision, and the scale of the related storage/transport development. Strong policy support and cooperation between potential participants is needed for the development of CCUS hubs and clusters. Currently, there are several large-scale CCUS cluster projects in operation and development, however, more are needed to meet the aims of the Paris Agreement.

This webinar from Ipieca, SPE Gaia, OGCI and IOGP will offer updates on current cluster projects and explore the opportunities/challenges of CCUS clusters and hubs, including partnership cooperation, policy support, investment, regulatory issues, and public engagement. The webinar will provide insights and learnings from current cluster projects including Northern Lights and OGCIs’ CCUS Hub.


  • Aslak Hellestø, Business Advisor, Northern Lights
  • Iain Macdonald, Principal Advisor Carbon Technical Advocacy, Shell and OGCI CCUS Workstream Lead
  • Moderated by Arthur Lee, Chevron Fellow and Principal Advisor, Corporate Strategy and Sustainability and Chair of Ipieca’s CCS Task Force

Presenter biographies

Aslak Hellestø is Business Advisor for the Northern Lights joint venture, supporting the development of a market and business for large scale transport and storage of CO2. He is an industry professional with a diverse background from Shell, including experiences across Concept, FEED, Execute and Operate phases in the energy business.

Iain Macdonald is the lead of the OGCI CCUS workstream. He works within Shell’s Carbon Business and Sector Solutions as a Principal Technical Carbon Advocacy Advisor. Prior to this he was working in LNG operating facilities in Qatar and managed a major industry led CCUS R&D programme for a decade at Imperial College London.

This webinar is part of a series on CCS sponsored by SPE Gaia, IOGP, OGCI and Ipieca, sharing knowledge and good practice around the scaling up of this technology, including key issues, environmental responsibility, financial incentives, policy, and liability concerns.

For any queries regarding the webinar, please contact [email protected]

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