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  • Webinar: Launch of Ipieca-IOGP 'Invasive alien species and the energy industry' guidance
Calendar10 October 2024, 1:00pm - 2:00pm
In collaboration with:
  • IOGP logo

This webinar will explain how oil, gas and alternative energy companies can use the guidance to:

  • Prevent the introduction and spread of invasive alien species (IAS)
  • Develop and implement robust multi-stakeholder IAS management plans

The session will also include case studies on IAS good practice from leading energy companies.

The guidance covers IAS prevention and management for different project phases, from exploration to decommissioning, for both onshore and offshore oil, gas and renewables projects, which each have their own specific activities, pathways and measures linked to IAS.

Download the guidance

Agenda and speakers

  • Guidance walk through, Kristie Lo, Ipieca Nature Manager and Jolien Verhelst, Arcadis, Consultant Biodiversity & Sustainability
  • INPEX case study, Jake Prout, Environment Lead – Exploration & Growth
  • PETROBRAS case study, Jane Mauro, Biodiversity Adviser
  • TotalEnergies case study, David Ochanda, Biodiversity Manager Rangelands and Richard Angubo, Biodiversity Operations Manager
  • Audience Q&A

About IAS

The increasing global movement of people and goods elevates the risk of the introduction, spread, and establishment of IAS, impacting biodiversity and businesses. Target 6 of the Global Biodiversity Framework highlights the urgency to reduce the rates of introduction and establishment of IAS.

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