Calendar15 February 2024

The new set of webpages provide oil spill responders, incident management teams, regulators, researchers and general knowledge seekers with easy access to accurate, up-to-date information on dispersants, all in one place, spread over four webpages:

  • About dispersants
  • Dispersants guidance
  • Technical information
  • Source of dispersants information

These webpages include a mix of media and formats, including video explainers, FAQs, quick facts, good practice guidance, peer reviewed papers and technical studies.

The ‘sources of dispersants information’ section provides descriptions and links to the International Maritime Organization (IMO), oil spill response organizations, environmental protection agencies and scientific and research bodies.

Dispersants can usually be applied quickly to offshore oil slicks, helping to protect human health and mitigate environmental impacts. Dispersants can often treat a larger proportion of oil slicks than other techniques, making them an effective oil spill response strategy.

These webpages aim to support responders, incident management teams, regulators, researchers and others find the information they need on dispersants, quickly and easily.

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