Ipieca has developed a new series of guidance on managing labour rights: Labour rights in the oil and gas industry, which addresses the potential human rights impacts and issues that may occur through business relationships, particularly in the industry supply chain.
Labour rights issues are complex and multifaceted, covering, for example; forced labour and human trafficking, freedom of movement, worker grievance mechanisms, supplier and subcontractor management, working hours and pay, health and safety, and welfare principles.
The series aims to enable members to more effectively identify, prevent and mitigate labour rights risks and impacts within projects, operations and supply chains, as well as inform stakeholders of the industry's collective commitment and efforts to respect labour rights.
The series includes:
- Company and supply chain labour rights in the oil and gas industry awareness briefing
- Responsible recruitment and employment guidance document
- Labour rights assessment guidance document. This is accompanied by two tools:
- Labour rights assessment toolkit
- Key steps for carrying out an on-site labour rights assessment
- Worker grievance mechanisms guidance document