Ipieca and IOGP have released a new suite of guidance and tools on fatigue management in the oil and gas industry.
The central guidance document Managing fatigue in the workplace brings together and updates all elements of the previous Ipieca-IOGP fatigue publications including - Fatigue Management in the workplace, Performance indicators for fatigue risk management systems, Assessing risks from operator fatigue, and Fatigue in fly-in, fly-out operations.
The guidance provides an overview of the issues around fatigue with a focus on developing, implementing and evaluating a fatigue risk management system. It gives managers and other personnel an outline of the fatigue risk issues inherent in oil and gas operations and offers guidance on their assessment and management.
The guidance is supported by supplementary documents and tools:
- Fatigue information sheets
- Biomathematical references list
- Checklists and tools
Download the suite of guidance here.