Calendar17 July 2019
Please note: this post is older than 3 years old and its content may now be outdated.

Ipieca is launching the new Ipieca-IOGP 'Health leading performance indicators - 2018 data'. This report is published as part of the IOGP data series.

In 2007, the joint Health Committee of Ipieca and IOGP, published Health Performance Indicators -A guide for the oil and gas industry. Content from that report was used to develop two tools (the gap analysis tool and the percentage tool) which are used to:

  • assess health leading performance indicators within individual companies; and
  • compare performance between different parts of a company and between participating companies.

Both tools were used in 2018 to gauge health performance between participating Ipieca and IOGP member companies; the results are published in this report.

Download the guidance document here.

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