Calendar21 October 2021
Please note: this post is older than 3 years old and its content may now be outdated.

21.10.21: An article published by Global Environmental Change on 19 October 2021 characterised Ipieca as working in the late 1980s to emphasise climate science uncertainties. This is a characterisation that Ipieca does not recognise.

The article was published without its authors approaching Ipieca for comment or review. Following its publication, Ipieca has requested that the publishers provide source material to verify its characterisation of Ipieca. To date, we have received no reply or source material from the publishers.

Ipieca was established in 1974 as the industry liaison channel with the UN. Ipieca does not engage in lobbying on climate science or any other issue. Ipieca's focus is on providing the technical knowledge, good practice and solutions to encourage continuous improvement in industry performance across a wide range of sustainability topics, including climate action. We work on these materials with an array of stakeholders from various sectors including intergovernmental organizations, civil society and academic institutes, and share these materials freely with the whole oil and gas industry.

Our Climate Change Working Group was established in 1988. Through it we convene experts from the oil and gas industry with a broad range of stakeholders and other sectors to develop and share good practice guidance and tools to support oil and gas companies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It also explores and funds work to support the energy transition, for example through developing guidance on methane, flaring and energy efficiency.

We have established a Net-Zero Emissions Task Force which convenes members with leading representatives of the international climate scientific community to explore pathways to net-zero emissions in line with limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees. More than half of Ipieca corporate members have published net-zero plans.

Ipieca and our members have supported the Paris Agreement from the outset, and have aligned Ipieca workstreams to support the oil and gas industry contribute to put the world on track to a net-zero future.

Ipieca is dedicated to supporting a net-zero future while contributing to a healthier, more prosperous world in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

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