We acknowledge the United Nations Convention of Biological Diversity (UN CBD) vision of Living in Harmony with Nature by 2050 and the need for global governments to conserve protected areas that house the rich natural and cultural heritage of our planet. We also support the mission, goals, and the action-oriented targets of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) which provide critical context for governments and are important to incentivise businesses and the urgent need to address the global decline in biodiversity.
Ipieca is committed to the development and implementation of industry good practice for the mitigation of biodiversity impacts and its contribution to reversing biodiversity loss. Ipieca has been actively integrating biodiversity into our good practice guidance and companies processes for several decades.
Ipieca supports:
- Developing industry good-practice guidance on the implementation of the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework for the energy sector using the mitigation hierarchy
- Working in partnership with the UNEP-World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) for further integration of the long-term approach to mainstreaming biodiversity into the sector
- Integrating the Sustainable Development Goals into the industry's practices
Further, Ipieca is working to integrate the concept of nature positive into industry good practice guidance and to align with the Post-2020 GBF vision and mission.
Ipieca recognises and emphasises:
- That the private sector plays a critically important role supporting governments on the implementation of the Post-2020 GBF to achieve the needed transformative change. We support the inclusion of nature positive in the 2030 Mission of halting and reversing biodiversity loss towards a nature positive world
- The goals and targets of the Post-2020 GBF need to be science-based
- The importance of halting and reversing biodiversity loss by 2030 and transitioning to nature positive
- The need for mainstreaming biodiversity into business decision making, including metrics and clear, practical and concise guidance on how businesses can contribute to the Post-2020 GBF goals and targets. Ipieca supports transparent disclosure and reporting of biodiversity-related performance metrics
- A focus on developing incentives for nature-related investments and biodiversity mainstreaming by the private sector. Any potential environmental, social and economic consequences of eliminating subsidies need to be first be fully understood
- The importance of building capacity with stakeholders in order to effectively deliver and implement the Post-2020 GBF targets
- There is a need for global alignment on how the Post-2020 GBF proposed goals and targets are measured, quantified and reported for business using practical and consistent metrics
- In order to measure and assess goals and targets, established pragmatic reporting metrics used by reporting bodies can be used by business. Convergence of emerging nature-related frameworks for goal setting and reporting that are clear, actionable, and tested is required
Ipieca is committed to continue to engage with the UN CBD Secretariat by supporting the need for integrating a long-term approach to biodiversity into industry technical guidance and decision making.
Ipieca has found the best outcomes are delivered through collaboration with other stakeholders, including local communities and Indigenous Peoples, and with external experts, in governments, academia and civil society.