Calendar11 July 2024

During Ipieca Week, input was sought from 19 stakeholders during 3 panels. This report shares the key messages.

From 22-26 April, Ipieca held its flagship event in London. Ipieca Week 2024 convened over 380 members with senior leaders from a range of UN, NGO, academic and business organizations to discuss collaborative action on climate, nature, people and sustainability, and to celebrate Ipieca’s 50th anniversary.

This year, Ipieca will be developing its 2025-2028 strategy. Stakeholders play an important role in the development and implementation of Ipieca’s strategy. The Ipieca Week panels provided an opportunity to gain insight into:

  • United Nations panel: their collaboration with Ipieca, its benefits and the evolution of Ipieca’s role in fostering further dialogue

  • Stakeholder panels 1 & 2: how Ipieca can support members’ leadership on the energy transition in the context of sustainable development

Stakeholders play an important role in the development and implementation of Ipieca’s strategy. During Ipieca Week, input was sought from 19 stakeholders during 3 panels.

Download the report

Ipieca thanks the panellists for their time and contributions:

  • Patricia Charlebois (International Maritime Organization)
  • Rob de Jong (UN Environment Programme)
  • Dr. Hoesung Lee (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)
  • Robert McCorquodale (UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights)
  • Ben Pincombe (UN Principles for Responsible Investment)
  • Marielle Canter Weikel (Conservation International)
  • Dr. Valérie Marcel (New Producers for Sustainable Energy)
  • John Morrison (Institute for Human Rights and Business)
  • Dr. Radhika Murti (International Union for Conservation of Nature)
  • Andrew Purvis (World Steel Association)
  • Dr. Mark Scanlon (Energy Institute)
  • Corey Walrod (IFRS Foundation)
  • Bennett Freeman (Bennett Freeman Associates LLC)
  • Rosey Hurst (Impactt Limited)
  • Mora Johnson (Voluntary Principles Initiative)
  • Antonios Panagiotopoulos (MSCI Research)
  • Valeria Piani (Phoenix Group)
  • Verena Radulovic (Center for Climate and Energy Solutions)
  • Libby Sandbrook (Fauna & Flora)

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