The compendium provides an overview of Ipieca guidance and tools on environmental and social performance which have cross-sector applicability, detailing which alternative energy technologies will benefit most from its use.
What’s new?

The latest edition features additional Ipieca guidance, published in the last three years, that have been identified as being the most beneficial to renewable energy developers. It includes guidance covering how to:
- Carry out biodiversity action plans
- Identify, manage and mitigate human rights risks in their supply chains
- Engage with local communities around project developments
Advancing environmental and social performance across the energy transition
Ipieca is committed to advancing environmental and social performance across the energy transition. With its broad scope and knowledge base across climate, environment, social responsibility and sustainability, and a membership that includes companies making significant investments in alternative energy technologies, Ipieca is uniquely positioned to support the sustainable scale up of alternative energies.
Developing and sharing good practice across oil, gas and renewables
Ipieca’s core role is to develop and share knowledge and good practice. In line with Ipieca’s vision and strategy, all Ipieca guidance and tools are developed to support oil, gas and alternative energy projects.
Coming soon: Ipieca is currently finalising a literature review of existing wind and solar supply chain and carbon footprint management practices.