Calendar10 December 2024

Human Rights Day is observed annually on 10 December, commemorating the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This year’s theme is: ‘Our Rights, Our Future, Right Now’, recognising the importance and relevance of human rights in our everyday lives and how they can help to forge a more peaceful, equal and sustainable future.

Human rights and Ipieca

Human rights are central to Ipieca’s work, with the fifth Ipieca Principle, a condition of membership, being to support the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Ipieca and its members took part in the initial consultation and development of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs).

We work with our members to share knowledge and develop good practice to support companies to embed human rights in their corporate process and operations.

Ipieca guidance to support human rights

The below is a selection of guidance covering human rights issues, for the full range of Ipieca guidance click here.

Human rights due diligence guidance

Provides step by step advice on how companies can build human rights due diligence into corporate processes and practical ‘on the ground’ actions.

Meaningful engagement

Supports energy companies and practitioners to undertake meaningful engagement with local stakeholders. It includes advice on methods to make engagement meaningful, KPIs and data collection methods, as well as a range of case studies.

Local content measurement and reporting

Provides a structured framework on how to implement local content measurement and reporting processes.

Online labour rights training Online labour rights training

The training consists of 12 modules which aim to improve awareness of labour rights issues among those responsible for working conditions and labour practices, so that they can recognise and address these problems.

Supply chain library of questions and resources

Provides questions to identify/assess supply chain risks related to human rights, and resources on how to manage identified risks.

Support for UN conventions and initiatives

One of Ipieca’s core roles is to raise awareness and support for UN conventions and initiatives and develop good practice guidance to enable companies to contribute to these.

Click here to see recent Ipieca for the UN.

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