The Ipieca sustainability article round-up showcases recent sustainability-related achievements, projects and news from Ipieca members, demonstrating their support for the Ipieca Principles around advancing environmental and social performance across the energy transition. We also highlight initiatives from our partner organizations and share insights from key United Nations meetings.
The June round-up covers the update of the Readiness Evaluation Tool for Oil Spills (RETOS), contributions to conservation and communities, sustainable fuels, direct air capture and innovative salt plants. We also share the latest update on SDG 7 progress, as well as Ipieca insights from UN World Environment Day and UN World Oceans Day.
Member sustainability articles
Arpel + Ipieca + International Maritime Organization (IMO)
Arpel present new web application of RETOS at IOSC 2024
The new web app and updated Readiness Evaluation Tool for Oil Spill (RETOS) guide and manual were presented at the International Oil Spill Conference 2024 for the first time. The update will be officially launched globally on 8 and 9 July through three webinars organized jointly by Arpel, Ipieca and IMO who sponsored the update.
Lessons from a legacy conservation partnership in Congo
ConocoPhillips reflects on its connection with Dr. Jane Goodhall, which led to the creation of the Tchimpounga Chimpanzee Rehabilitation Centre in 1992.
Through environmental and social impact assessments Kosmos has formed strong relationships with stakeholders from fishing communities, government representatives and civil society, which inform its social investment programmes in the region.
OMV Petrom invests in sustainable fuels in south-east Europe
OMV will invest ~EUR 750 million to transform its Petrobrazi refinery into a major producer of sustainable fuels in the region. The company will build a sustainable aviation fuels and renewable diesel production plant, as well as two plants for green hydrogen to be used in the production of biofuels.
Oxy Low Carbon Ventures explores fusion energy for direct air capture facilities
Oxy Low Carbon Ventures, a subsidiary of Occidental, and TAE Technologies, a fusion energy developer, have signed a memorandum of understanding to explore commercial opportunities that use TAE’s fusion technology to provide emissions-free power and heat for direct air capture facilities.
QatarEnergy plans salt plant to enhance circular economy and economic growth
As part of a joint venture, QatarEnergy plans to build a salt production plant that will produce table salts as well as industrial salts for the petrochemical industry as well as Bromine, Potassium Chlorides, and demineralized water, allowing for product diversification, additional economic growth and development of the circular economy.
Progress on basic energy access reverses for first time in a decade
The 2024 Tracking SDG 7 report by the IEA, IRENA, the United Nations Statistics Division, the World Bank, and the World Health Organization, finds that the world remains off course to achieve SDG 7 on affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy by 2030. The report confirms that the number of people without access to electricity increased for the first time in over a decade to 685 million people in 2022, 10 million more than in 2021. SDG 7 will be one of the SDGs in review at the UN High-level Political Forum in July.
Since our foundation at the request of UNEP in 1974, Ipieca has convened industry and stakeholders to work on a broad range of environmental topics associated with industry operations. In recognition of World Environment Day on 5 June, Ipieca reflected on how its partnerships, environmental good practice and Ipieca Principles on nature support responsible management of operational impacts on the natural environment and ecosystems.
Ipieca + UN Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea
UN World Oceans Day
To mark UN World Oceans Day on 8 June, Ipieca shared how it works to protect and care for oceans through offshore environmental good practice, marine spill preparedness and response, decarbonising shipping, and supporting the Global Biodiversity Framework.
Sustainability article round-up: December 2024/January 2025
30 January 2025
We kick off 2025 with a round-up of articles from December and January. Covering emissions reductions efforts and low-carbon technologies, including a cross-border CCS study, blue hydrogen, and a new decarbonization institute. Members also share plans to restore coral reefs and boreal seismic lines.
Sustainability article round-up: November 2024
28 November 2024
As COP29 took place in Baku during November, Ipieca members and partners have been busy announcing new climate actions, collaborations, innovations and progress.
Sustainability article round-up: October 2024
1 November 2024
Emissions management, carbon capture and storage, and low-carbon technologies take the centre stage in the October edition, alongside companies fostering research and development, and enhancing education and in-country value. We also share insights on how Ipieca and its members are supporting UN conventions, including the Global Biodiversity Framework.
Sustainability article round-up: September 2024
30 September 2024
This round up shares Ipieca members’ investment in renewables—with two members set to develop over 3 GW of solar power. It features carbon capture and storage and hydrogen projects and solutions, and highlights how electrifying operations can lead to large emissions reductions.