Taking place in Togo, the conference brought together 120 participants, including key government and industry representatives from 20 African countries to share good practice and provide technical support to enhance oil spill preparedness and response.

The increasing global movement of people and goods elevates the risk of the introduction, spread, and establishment of invasive alien species (IAS), impacting biodiversity and businesses. Ipieca and IOGP are pleased to launch updated guidance for prevention and management.

The document provides a review of good practices for environmental and social risks across the supply chain and carbon footprint management across the project life cycle of onshore and offshore wind and solar PV technologies.

The annual survey identifies trends in the sustainability reporting practices of Ipieca member companies. The results provide an overview of current practices, identify widely used performance indicators and emerging trends, allow companies to learn from their peers, and improve industry communication around sustainability issues.

The three-day workshop, run by Ipieca, facilitated by UNEP-WCMC, and hosted by PETRONAS in Kuala Lumpur was followed by a field trip to a peat reserve to see biodiversity management and restoration practices in real life.

This year's theme, 'MARPOL at 50 - our commitment goes on', reflects the organization's history of protecting the environment from the impact of shipping. Ipieca works to support MARPOL through a range of expertise around technologies, GHG emissions reduction, marine spill preparedness and response, health and safety.