26 September is World Maritime Day 2024. This year’s theme ‘Navigating the future: safety first’ reflects the IMO's work to enhance maritime safety and security, in tandem with the protection of the marine environment. The theme also provides the opportunity to focus on the safety implications arising from the introduction of alternative fuels including measures to reduce GHG emissions from ships.

This new resource supports oil, gas and alternative energy companies and practitioners to undertake engagement with local stakeholders that moves beyond meeting the minimum expectations, by providing guidance on broader, inclusive and ongoing two-way processes for ‘meaningful engagement’.

The International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples takes place annually on 9 August to celebrate Indigenous Peoples and their knowledge. The theme this year is ‘Protecting the rights of Indigenous Peoples in voluntary isolation and initial contact’.

The increasing global movement of people and goods elevates the risk of the introduction, spread, and establishment of invasive alien species (IAS), impacting biodiversity and businesses. Ipieca and IOGP are pleased to launch updated guidance for prevention and management.

The website has been developed by the Future Fuels and Technology Project (FFT Project), a partnership project between IMO and the Republic of Korea, supporting the development of new regulation within the possible IMO Net-Zero Framework to achieve the targets contained in the 2023 IMO GHG strategy.

As part of its support of COP events and the Paris Agreement, and in line with the Ipieca Principles, Ipieca raises awareness of COP outcomes, shares on the ground learnings and insights, and produces practical guidance and tools to support the industry contribute to achieving COP objectives.