This report provides a summary and analysis of the current ROV fleet assets currently available to the market and provides a follow-up evaluation of the current sensors available for monitoring hydrocarbons, including video cameras. This document builds upon the Battelle report to cover ROVs and Video Based Surveillance Systems.
Capabilities and uses of sensor and video - equipped waterborne surveillance-ROVs for subsea detection and tracking of oil spills.
Related resources
- 11 February 2022
Ipieca and IOGP have launched a quick reference infographic and video for local responders to use when deciding whether to spray surface dispersant on oil spills.
- 17 July 2019
Ipieca has partnered with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to develop a shared understanding of the implications of the UN SDGs for the oil and gas industry and how the industry can most effectively contribute.
- 17 November 2017
A joint UNDP, IFC, Ipieca and ICMM side event summary
- 19 July 2017
Ipieca has partnered with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to develop a shared understanding of the implications of the UN SDGs for the oil and gas industry and how the industry can most effectively contribute.