Calendar25 September 2024

Undertaking ‘meaningful engagement’ not only enables companies to meet regulatory guidelines and international standards, but also build robust, constructive and reciprocal relationships with stakeholders.

This guidance supports companies and practitioners to make engagements meaningful experiences for all stakeholders involved. Watch the introductory video from Ipieca Sustainability and Social Performance Director Isabel Miranda below for a quick overview.


An introduction to the guidance, including the benefits of conducting meaningful engagement, the target audience, and when to use the guidance.

Section 1

This section facilitates an understanding of meaningful engagement and outlines the potential challenges and/or barriers that may prevent or obstruct its execution.

Section 2

This section identifies the various techniques/tools and communication methods/channels that can be used to conduct engagement in a meaningful manner.

Section 3

This section intends to help practitioners to measure the meaningfulness of the engagement conducted by providing example KPIs.

Section 4

This section outlines potential methods that can be used by practitioners to collect qualitative and quantitative data to inform the KPIs captured in Section 3.

Section 5

This section provides additional tips and advice to help practitioners to conduct meaningful engagement.

Section 6

This section provides a suite of case studies to demonstrate how meaningful engagement can be practised in varying contexts, with a focus on how challenges/ barriers can be overcome.


The appendices include definitions for key terms used in the guidance, additional detail as to the core principles and enablement factors for meaningful engagement, a list of resources that can be consulted in relation to engagement techniques/tools and communication methods/channels, and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights effectiveness criteria for non-judicial grievance mechanisms.

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