Our publications are free to download. If you wish to obtain hard copies, please contact the Secretariat.
During this webinar, Matt Harrison of SLR Consulting and Dave Allen of the University of Texas at Austin, who co-authored the Methane Guiding Principles set of ten best practice guides, will provide an overview of their scope and content and demonstrate how operators can best make use of them.
This webinar series aims to support deployment of CCS and help attendees understand how it can contribute to both the Paris Agreement and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Ipieca is pleased to welcome Samantha McCulloch, Head of the CCUS Unit at the International Energy Agency (IEA), as the presenter of our next webinar in the series on carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS).
This joint Ipieca-IOGP technical support document helps operators navigate the steps and good practices involved in planning for, and implementing, a monitoring and sampling programme.
During this webinar, Elizabeth Carlson, Global Head of Sustainability at McDermott, will present on measuring 'Capex' emissions in oil and gas facilities.
Natural gas can have an important role to play in a low-emissions future, with clear benefits when compared with other fossil fuels, particularly in terms of climate impact and air quality improvements, if methane emissions are controlled across the gas value chain.
Howard J. Herzog, Senior Research Engineer in the MIT Energy Initiative, will present his perspectives on carbon capture and storage.
The results of Ipieca's annual Sustainability reporting survey are now available.
This fact sheet on provides a high-level overview of how companies in the oil and gas sector can define, assess and respond to water risks.
The second edition includes topics such as the relationship between environmental and social management, and the emergence of biodiversity and ecosystem services as a discipline.