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A fact sheet from a series developed by Ipieca and OGP to demonstrate the oil and gas industry's present and future contribution to sustainable development. Prepared in advance of the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20).
Promotion and certification of sustainable biofuels is complex and requires a well coordinated, multi-faceted and credible approach, and includes compliance with government mandates, international standards and certification programmes, which will be instrumental in promoting the responsible production of sustainable biofuels. This guide provides an introduction to biofuels Chain of Custody (CoC) systems as well as providing information on the different types of CoC systems in use.
This document discusses the various aspects of emissions from shipping activities, such as current and proposed legislation, types and sources of emissions, as well as abatement strategies and their consequences, and stakeholders and their respective views.
Sulphur is naturally present in crude oil, and must be removed to create lower sulphur fuels. The removal processes present large technological and resource challenges.
This publication communicates how the oil and gas industry is using partnerships to respond to challenges of meeting global energy demand and to contribute to sustainable development. The publication explores the partnering process through challenges and lessons learned identified by Ipieca members and their partners in the forty case studies featured.
Title Type Theme Published Download Biofuels: maximizing sustainability Fact sheet Climate 15 Jun 2012 Partnerships: working together to achieve more. Fact sheet Climate, Nature, People, Marine spill preparedness and response, Corporate 28 Apr 2012 Chain of custody options for sustainable biofuels Good practice guidance Climate, Sustainability 28 Apr 2010 Maritime air emissions and MARPOL Annex VI Awareness brief Climate 22 Feb 2007 Fuel sulphur: strategies and options for enabling clean fuels and vehicles Good practice guidance Climate 28 May 2006 Partnerships in the oil and gas industry. Good practice guidance Climate, Nature, People, Sustainability, Marine spill preparedness and response 13 Apr 2006