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Ipieca is partnering with ICMM, the international Council on Mining & Metals and The Equator Principle Association in a Cross-Sector Biodiversity Initiative (CSBI). This forum is enabling cross-industry learning on the use of the biodiversity mitigation hierarchy, and the application of biodiversity offsets.
Mittelplate oil field, operated by RWE Dea AG (Mittelplate Consortium: 50% RWE Dea AG and 50% Wintershall Holding GmbH)
This product highlights the interface between the management of biodiversity and ecosystem services (BES) and water issues throughout upstream onshore oil and gas operations, and outlines the key management steps for identifying and assessing both dependencies and potential impacts of operations on BES, and water risks
This case study is about the Oil Sands Leadership Initiative (OSLI), a collaboration of oil sands developers in Canada who undertook to demonstrate enhanced environmental
Angola LNG partners with the Wildlife Conservation Society while building a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) plant near the city of Soyo, Angola. Chevron case study.
Natural gas transportation pipeline system operated by PERU LNG in the Peruvian Andes, Hunt Oil
This case study outlines a successful western gray whale research and monitoring programme, co-sponsored by Exxon Neftegas Limited (ENL), a subsidiary of Exxon Mobil Corporation.
A detailed program for protecting biodiversity while developing liquefied natural gas infrastructure in one of the world's lease explored regions
This case study explains the ecosystem mapping project Repsol have undertaken at the Teak-Samaan-Poui (TSP) block located off the southeast coast of Trinidad.
Peru LNG operations consist of a 408km natural gas transportation pipeline that traverses many diverse landscapes and ecosystems. This case study explains how a Biodiversity Action