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Ipieca has been engaged in a collaborative industry effort to establish good practice approaches for oil and gas companies working on Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC).
The survey is designed to assess the sustainability reporting practices of oil and gas companies...
The BES Fundamentals guidance document which brings together information essential to informing BES strategy development and decision making at the corporate level ...
Health leading performance indicators data from Ipieca and IOGP members for 2017.
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a key technology in transforming the energy system and moving towards the long-term temperature goals of the Paris Agreement. However, there are several barriers preventing it from expanding more swiftly.
Social performance tools
A joint UNDP, IFC, Ipieca and ICMM side event summary
This online database provides an introduction to energy efficiency measures for oil and gas facilities, and aims to raise awareness and uptake of such technologies and practices across the industry.
The report highlights some of the opportunities and challenges to decarbonize the transport sector, the importance of reducing emissions from agriculture and land use ...
Ipieca has partnered with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to develop a shared understanding of the implications of the UN SDGs for the oil and gas industry and how the industry can most effectively contribute.
This guidance document addresses the question of how to create successful and sustainable community investments and how to measure their success.
Health leading performance indicators data from Ipieca and IOGP members for 2016.
This practitioner note explores the challenges faced by companies as a result of increasing stakeholder demand for evidence-based reporting of social investment.
This practitioner note discusses the main evolutions in social investment since the launch of Ipieca's guidance in 2008, shares observations from practitioners, and includes practical ways practitioners can analyse their situation and approach the issue.
This practitioner note provides an overview of the process for designing a social investment strategy, and explores the different phases of the oil and gas project life cycle and their implications for social investment.
Checklist for medical emergency response planning for the oil and gas industry.
This Good Practice Guide (GPG) builds on two reports, the first produced on behalf of the Ipieca-IOGP OSR-JIP...
In 2016 Ipieca conducted its biennial reporting survey to assess the use of the Ipieca, API and IOGP Oil and gas industry guidance on voluntary sustainability reporting across the industry, uptake of other reporting frameworks, and understand overall reporting trends. The survey also explored ways that companies use sustainability reports and how they add value. The survey was sent to Ipieca members as well as other oil and gas companies.
This publication builds on Ipieca's 2015 Paris Puzzle, providing perspective on the common elements and enablers of pathways to meet a low-emissions future.
Ipieca held a workshop - Making CCS fly - that brought together more than 50 participants from across the oil and gas sector and expert communities to discuss the role, barriers and opportunities presented by CCS.
In-situ burning (ISB) is the controlled combustion or burning of hydrocarbon vapours...
Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) / Shell.
Oman -Since 2011, a third of produced water from the Nimr oil feed in Oman has been treated in a purposely built reed bed facility.Estimating petroleum industry value chain (Scope 3) greenhouse gas emissions, an overview of methodologies, informs oil and gas companies on value chain greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions estimation and approaches.
Health leading performance indicators data from Ipieca and IOGP members for 2015.
Ipieca and OGP have relaunched Managing Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services (BES) issues along the asset lifecycle in any environment: 10 tips forsuccess in the oil and gas industry. Originally published in 2010, the tips provide high level guidance on managing BES in the oil and gas industry. Each tip is supported by resources, many of which are Ipieca/OGP
This document offers guidance on understanding and delivering local content in relation to oil and gas projects.
At Shell's Groundbirch venture, British Columbia, the local area is prone to water shortages. In order to minimise freshwater use, Shell and the City of Dawson Creek ...
This publication highlights Ipieca's accomplishments during 2017.
This publication highlights Ipieca's accomplishments during 2015
This guide defines and outlines the purpose and value of health impact assessments within the oil and gas industry...