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This document provides examples of how Ipieca companies are taking ambitious biodiversity actions which contribute towards the goals of the Global Biodiversity Framework.
This webinar explains how oil, gas and alternative energy companies can use the guidance to prevent the introduction and spread of invasive alien species (IAS), and develop and implement robust multi-stakeholder IAS management plans. The session also includes case studies on IAS good practice from leading energy companies.
The increasing global movement of people and goods elevates the risk of the introduction, spread, and establishment of invasive alien species (IAS), impacting biodiversity and businesses. This document provides guidance for prevention and management.
Ipieca and IOGP members share their companies' experiences in developing and utilising BAPs.
This Ipieca-IOGP guidance is designed to help HSE/SD professionals to develop biodiversity action plans (BAPs) for their activities and projects.
This document outlines the key messages on BES good practices for the industry, and explores how industry and governments can support and work with each other to mainstream biodiversity across the energy transition.
This joint Ipieca - UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) report provides a summary of key drivers, challenges and opportunities for biodiversity and ecosystem services (BES) management in the oil and gas industry.
The BES Fundamentals guidance document which brings together information essential to informing BES strategy development and decision making at the corporate level ...
Ipieca and OGP have relaunched Managing Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services (BES) issues along the asset lifecycle in any environment: 10 tips forsuccess in the oil and gas industry. Originally published in 2010, the tips provide high level guidance on managing BES in the oil and gas industry. Each tip is supported by resources, many of which are Ipieca/OGP
This document outlines the guidance for the management of biodiversity and ecosystem services impacts, dependencies, risks and opportunities in the oil and gas sector.
The document has been prepared for the Multilateral Financing Institutions Biodiversity Working...
The Cross-Sector Biodiversity Initiative (CSBI) guide provides practical guidance, innovative approaches and examples to support operationalizing the mitigation hierarchy effectively.
The Cross Sector Biodiversity Initiative (CSBI) Timeline Tool has been designed to assist project planning in the extractives industries to better align project development, biodiversity impact management, and financial timelines and milestones.
The Timeline Tool assists professionals planning extractive projects in coordinating project development calendars, biodiversity impact assessment and management schedules, and financial timelines and milestones.
This product has been developed in partnership with UNEP-World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC) and provides short definitions of over 200 commonly-used biodiversity terms and acronyms. The glossary was developed to support greater consistency in the use of terms and definitions related to biodiversity. The definitions have been
Ipieca is partnering with ICMM, the international Council on Mining & Metals and The Equator Principle Association in a Cross-Sector Biodiversity Initiative (CSBI). This forum is enabling cross-industry learning on the use of the biodiversity mitigation hierarchy, and the application of biodiversity offsets.
This product highlights the interface between the management of biodiversity and ecosystem services (BES) and water issues throughout upstream onshore oil and gas operations, and outlines the key management steps for identifying and assessing both dependencies and potential impacts of operations on BES, and water risks
Angola LNG partners with the Wildlife Conservation Society while building a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) plant near the city of Soyo, Angola. Chevron case study.
Natural gas transportation pipeline system operated by PERU LNG in the Peruvian Andes, Hunt Oil
This case study details the work of Maersk Oil Qatar to monitor and protect marine ecology at the Al Shaheen oil field
This case study details a quarantine management programme set up by Chevron Australia on Barrow Island, where the largest onshore oilfield in Australia
Peru LNG operations consist of a 408km natural gas transportation pipeline that traverses many diverse landscapes and ecosystems. This case study explains how a Biodiversity Action
This case study outlines a successful western gray whale research and monitoring programme, co-sponsored by Exxon Neftegas Limited (ENL), a subsidiary of Exxon Mobil Corporation.
A detailed program for protecting biodiversity while developing liquefied natural gas infrastructure in one of the world's lease explored regions
The Ecuadorian Amazon is one of the most sensitive natural environments where eni operates.
This case study explains the ecosystem mapping project Repsol have undertaken at the Teak-Samaan-Poui (TSP) block located off the southeast coast of Trinidad.
This document introduces considerations and recommendations for oil and gas development in coastal environments. It highlights key issues for decision-makers and their advisors, project managers and HSE professionals in planning, designing, impact-assessing and managing oil and gas activities in these areas.
The oil and gas industry both depends and impacts upon biodiversity and ecosystem services (BES). These checklists cover the five stages of the oil and gas life cycle for six generic habitat types, onshore and offshore.
The oil and gas industry both depends and impacts upon biodiversity and ecosystem services (BES). The aim of this guide is threefold. Firstly, it explains the relationship between biodiversity, ecosystem services and the oil and gas industry.