IPIECA’s 2021-2024 strategy places the energy transition at the heart of what we do, building on our core role of advancing environmental and social performance to also support the oil and gas industry’s contribution to a net-zero future and the sustainable development agenda.
We provide a platform to convene climate, environment, social performance and sustainability experts from our member companies, bringing them together with key stakeholders to develop and share good practice across a range of solutions to address the energy transition.
Our dedicated Climate Change Group, set up in 1988, convenes climate experts from the oil and gas industry with those from IGOs, NGOs, academia and other sectors to assess and better understand climate science and energy policy, and develop and share good practice guidance and tools to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, helping the industry to be part of the climate change solution.
In 2020, IPIECA established a Net-Zero Task Force which explores pathways to net-zero emissions in line with limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees, considering the implications for the energy sector.
As part of our 2021-2024 strategy, we are working in partnership with various stakeholders on accelerating key enablers of the energy transition, in particular natural climate solutions, applying our environmental and social expertise to help ensure that these are enablers are scaled up sustainably and not at the cost of local ecosystems or communities.
Our recently established Alternative Energy Task Force is supporting the environmental and social performance of wind, solar, biofuels and other technologies, sharing good practice on issues common to all energy developers.
Transitioning to a low-carbon global economy will have social, economic, environmental and human rights benefits in the long term, however, we must support those who may be adversely impacted by the transition. By supporting a just transition we will accelerate the energy transition. Formed in 2021, IPIECA’s Just Transition Task Force is working to help oil and gas companies understand their role in a just transition. The Task Force will produce a clear definition of a just transition as well as a collection of practical examples that companies can reference.
IPIECA leads oil and gas industry engagement with the climate and nature focused United Nations agencies, such as the UNFCCC, IPCC and CBD. We act as an official observers, provide technical inputs and industry good practice as well as convening workshops with these bodies to explore emerging climate and nature issues