Marine spill strategy represents the overarching frameworks upon which preparedness and response plans and operations are built. These frameworks are constantly being refined and enhanced to reflect improved technology, knowledge, and good practices throughout the industry.

Further resources are available in the Oil Spill Prevention and Response website.

Oil spill preparedness and response

Reflecting the oil industry’s priority to ensure safety and protection of people and the environment, significant effort is dedicated to designing operations and employing procedures to effectively prepare for and respond to the unlikely event of a marine spill.

Tiered preparedness and response

Tiered preparedness and response is the basis on which to establish a robust marine spill preparedness and response framework. The three-tiered structure allows for resources to be cascaded to the site of a response in order to effectively respond to any marine spill – from small operational spillages to a worst-case release at sea or on land.

Tiered preparedness and responsePowerPointGlance/Scan
The global distribution and assessment of major oil spill response resourcesPDFTechnical report
Tiered preparedness and responsePDFGood practice guidance

Net environmental benefit analysis (NEBA)

Decisions need to be made about how to minimize environmental and socio-economic impacts of marine spills. The advantages and disadvantages of different response options relative to social, economic, and environmental factors must be compared with each other – a process called net environmental benefit analysis (NEBA).

The use of NEBA in oil spill responsePowerPointGlance/Scan
Net environmental benefit analysisVideo (YouTube)Animation
Response strategy development using NEBAPDFGood practice guidance
Guidelines on implementing spill impact mitigation assessment (SIMA)PDFGood practice guidance

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