
Ipieca(国际石油工业环境保护协会)是全球油气工业的环境与社会问题协会。Ipieca 通过其由成员领导的多个工作组及行政领导地位,汇聚了代表着世界一半以上石油产量的油气企业和协会的集体专长。随着联合国环境规划署(UNEP)的创立,Ipieca 于 1974 年应运而生,并成为该行业与联合国沟通的主要渠道。

Ipieca 通过以下措施帮助油气工业提高其环境和社会绩效:

通过指导文件促进良好实践,以帮助行业提高其环境和社会绩效。这些文件被广泛作为参考资料,并且是行业思考和趋势的一项重要资源。Ipieca 已为油气工业制定了 50 余份良好实践指导文件和报告。

作为已与各政府间组织及其它机构建立联系的具有领导性和权威性的声音,Ipieca 确保将石油工业的活动有效展现给关键的利益相关者。通过 Ipieca 实现的国际层次的参与,使人们能够就影响油气工业的有关问题获取重要的信息和分析。

通过具体问题专项会议,成员们分享有关重要环境和社会问题的知识、经验、战略和方法。Ipieca 研讨会和座谈会使行业内外的专家汇聚一堂,寻求全球环境和社会挑战的应对措施。

为了实现最佳解决方案,Ipieca 鼓励和促进油气工业、非政府组织、政策和科学专家以及联合国之间建立网络和伙伴关系。


  • 生物多样性
  • 气候变化
  • 卫生
  • 溢油防备和反应
  • 运营、燃料和产品
  • 社会责任
  • 可持续发展报告

Ipieca 的愿景

Ipieca 在全球范围内运营,并寻求通过以下措施实现其愿景:

  • 制定、分享和促进良好实践和解决方案
  • 加强和传达知识与领悟
  • 吸引行业成员和他人参与其中
  • 与关键利益相关者相互协作

Ipieca 作为沟通枢纽和共享知识中心,在油气工业中拥有特殊地位,并致力于在环境和社会问题上使该行业团结在一起。

Ipieca 的会员包括:

  • 36 家企业,其中包括 6 大世界超级石油企业和 7 大国家级石油企业
  • 16 个协会,构成一个代表着 400 余家油气企业的网络

Ipieca 已为油气工业制定了 50 余份良好实践指导文件和报告。所有 Ipieca 出版物均提供英文版,可从图资库查阅。右侧列出了目前提供的中文出版物。如果您希望我们翻译任何其它出版物,请联系秘书处。

如果您有任何疑问或希望向 Ipieca 索取信息,请致函:[email protected]

Ipieca is...

  • Sustainability focusedChevron-down

    Ipieca is driving industry action on the energy transition and sustainable development agenda. We bring together the expertise of members and stakeholders to develop good practice and solutions to some of the biggest sustainability challenges facing the planet, providing global leadership on integrating sustainability, advancing climate action, environmental responsibility and social performance.

  • Non-lobbyChevron-down

    Ipieca’s focus is on providing the technical knowledge, good practice and solutions to encourage continuous improvement in industry performance, as well as improving understanding of sustainability-related opportunities, challenges and policies for the industry. Our non-lobby status has enabled us to remain the industry’s principal channel of engagement with the United Nations, to build trusted relationships throughout the UN system, and develop impactful partnerships across the IGO, NGO and academic worlds.

  • CollaborativeChevron-down

    Collaboration is at the heart of what Ipieca does. We convene technical experts from across our member companies with key stakeholders to explore emerging sustainable development topics and work together to develop good practice guidance across our strategic pillars of sustainability, climate, nature and people.

  • Full value chainChevron-down

    Ipieca is the only global sustainability association which covers both the upstream and downstream sectors of the oil and gas industry, providing environmental and social good practice which covers full project lifecycles including supply chain actors. Our scope now also supports alternative energy technologies.

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