Showing 169 - 176 of 203 posts
Ipieca welcomes Cheniere Energy to its membership
  • Calendar21 March 2019

Ipieca is pleased to welcome Cheniere Energy to its corporate membership.

Ipieca presents at UNE Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles meeting
  • Calendar14 March 2019

At the PCFV Global Partners' Meeting, Ipieca presented an update on its forthcoming publication: Strategies and options to address air quality through optimized vehicle emissions standards and lower sulfur fuels.

Ipieca celebrates its 45th anniversary
  • Calendar13 March 2019

For 45 years, Ipieca has been working with its members to advance environmental and social performance across the oil and gas industry.

Ipieca guidance: Labour rights in the oil and gas industry
  • Calendar12 March 2019

Ipieca's new series of guidance on managing labour rights addresses the potential human rights impacts and issues that may occur through business relationships, particularly in the industry supply chain.

Ipieca and IOGP launch new guidance: 'Health management in the oil and gas industry'
  • Calendar6 February 2019

Ipieca has partnered with IOGP to develop new guidance on managing health in the oil and gas industry.

Halliburton joins Ipieca as a new Associate Member
  • Calendar5 February 2019

Ipieca is pleased to welcome Halliburton as a new Associate Member.

World LPG Association joins Ipieca
  • Calendar23 January 2019

Ipieca is pleased to welcome the World LPG Association (WLPGA) to our membership.

Zero Routine Flaring by 2030 - Ipieca supports World Bank initiative
  • Calendar22 January 2019

In a letter to the World Bank, Ipieca's Executive Director Brian Sullivan has expressed the organization's support for the aims of the 'Zero Routine Flaring by 2030' initiative.

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