Our publications are free to download. If you wish to obtain hard copies, please contact the Secretariat.
This case study details the work of Maersk Oil Qatar to monitor and protect marine ecology at the Al Shaheen oil field
This case study details a quarantine management programme set up by Chevron Australia on Barrow Island, where the largest onshore oilfield in Australia
This case study outlines a successful western gray whale research and monitoring programme, co-sponsored by Exxon Neftegas Limited (ENL), a subsidiary of Exxon Mobil Corporation.
A detailed program for protecting biodiversity while developing liquefied natural gas infrastructure in one of the world's lease explored regions
This document describes 'good practices' and strategies that can be used in petroleum refineries to manage emissions of air pollutants, and includes a special section on how to identify odour sources. Many of the techniques may also be applicable to those chemical plants and petroleum distribution facilities having similar equipment and operations.
This document introduces considerations and recommendations for oil and gas development in coastal environments. It highlights key issues for decision-makers and their advisors, project managers and HSE professionals in planning, designing, impact-assessing and managing oil and gas activities in these areas.
A fact sheet from a series developed by Ipieca and OGP to demonstrate the oil and gas industry's present and future contribution to sustainable development. Prepared in advance of the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20).
This new edition has been updated in response to the IFC's new performance standards (2012) and also includes an expanded 'useful resources' section. The document contains an overview of Indigenous Peoples
Sensitivity maps convey essential information to those responding to oil spills by identifying the sites of coastal resources and environmentally-sensitive areas. (Revision 2016)