Our publications are free to download. If you wish to obtain hard copies, please contact the Secretariat.
As we transition to a more sustainable future, alternative fuels and their associated products are becoming more prevalent in production, manufacturing and use. Their safe handling and prevention of spills is a priority.
This document outlines the key messages on BES good practices for the industry, and explores how industry and governments can support and work with each other to mainstream biodiversity across the energy transition.
This fact sheet on provides a high-level overview of how companies in the oil and gas sector can define, assess and respond to water risks.
Ipieca has developed a new fact sheet on evaluating the opportunities and challenges of reusing produced water for the onshore oil and gas industry.
This new fact sheet explores the scale-up and deployment of CCS in more detail and presents a series of facts about the necessary development of this technology.
Meeting energy needs: The unique role of oil and gas is one piece of the Paris Puzzle - a series of papers intended to address...
Published in the run up to COP21 in Paris, this series of papers was intended to address what Ipieca sees as key components of efforts to address climate change and demonstrate our commitment to meeting the challenge.
The Paris Puzzle: The Pathway to a low-emissions future lays out our global membership view on the challenges the world faces in transitioning to a low-greenhouse gas emissions future.
Managing our emissions: Energy conservation and beyond is one piece of the Paris Puzzle - a series of papers intended to address what we see as key components
Effective policy: The driver of results is one piece of the Paris Puzzle - a series of papers intended to address what we see as key components...
Title Type Theme Published Download Response to spills of alternative fuels and energy products fact sheets Fact sheet Marine spill preparedness and response 24 Oct 2024 Managing biodiversity and ecosystem services across the energy transition: mainstreaming the mitigation hierarchy Fact sheet Nature 05 Dec 2022 Water risk assessment in the oil and gas sector: an overview Fact sheet Nature 26 Aug 2020 Reuse of produced water from the onshore oil and gas industry Fact sheet Nature 23 Mar 2020 Making the case for carbon capture and storage Fact sheet Climate 21 Jan 2019 Meeting energy needs: The unique role of oil and gas (The Paris Puzzle) Fact sheet Climate 01 Jun 2015 The Paris Puzzle series Fact sheet Climate 01 Jun 2015 The Paris Puzzle: The pathway to a low-emissions future Fact sheet Climate 01 Jun 2015 Managing our emissions: Energy conservation and beyond (The Paris Puzzle) Fact sheet Climate 01 Jun 2015 Effective policy: The driver of results (The Paris Puzzle) Fact sheet Climate 01 Jun 2015