Our publications are free to download. If you wish to obtain hard copies, please contact the Secretariat.
This guidance clarifies currently used terminology in the water stewardship space and presents users with a streamlined water stewardship action scheme that synthesises water frameworks and disclosure standards for the energy sector.
Undertaking ‘meaningful engagement’ not only enables companies to meet regulatory guidelines and international standards, but also build robust, constructive and reciprocal relationships with stakeholders.
This recommended practice identifies key drug and alcohol programme elements and is intended for use by contractor companies and oil and gas industry owners and operators.
The increasing global movement of people and goods elevates the risk of the introduction, spread, and establishment of invasive alien species (IAS), impacting biodiversity and businesses. This document provides guidance for prevention and management.
The Readiness Evaluation Tool for Oil Spills (RETOS™) aims to assist governments and companies in assessing their level of oil spill response planning and readiness management.
Oil and gas operations take place in many countries where the quality of medical services and specialities differs. It is therefore important for a company to assess local health facilities to ensure that they can provide optimal medical care for their workers.
This industry-specific document provides guidance on the prevention of food- and water-related diseases.
Ipieca, together with IOGP and the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI), have released a recommended practices guide to help operators select and deploy methane detection and quantification technologies.
An Incident Management System (IMS) is essential to optimizing response times and efficiency, providing clarity in command and control, improving resource coordination and communications, and facilitating the cooperation and integration of responding organizations.
This document is aimed at those persons responsible for ensuring that oil spill contingency plans are practised and verified, providing guidance on constructing an exercise programme that is suitable for meeting an organization’s or facility’s requirements.
This document identifies the principal health and safety issues when an oil spill occurs, their degree of severity and the practical steps to minimize the impact of the spill.
Indicators for the health performance of the industry are a necessary part of effective health management and the promotion of improvements in health performance.
Twelve e-learning modules to support the industry and its supply chain to improve awareness and management of labour rights issues.
This Ipieca-IOGP guidance is designed to help HSE/SD professionals to develop biodiversity action plans (BAPs) for their activities and projects.
The objective of this guidance is to provide a structured framework to guide practitioners, towards the implementation of an effective and efficient local content measurement and reporting process. It offers a roadmap to select, collect, and analyze metrics.
Guidance to support practitioners in developing robust social baselines for offshore project impacts to fisheries.
This document provides guidance for business leaders, HSE professionals, and health practitioners on the business case for outcome-focused and cost-effective medical emergency response (MER) and primary healthcare in the energy industries.
The Ipieca-OGCI Natural climate solutions: high carbon stock ecosystems management guidance supports the Paris Agreement goals by setting out the key principles to help energy companies conserve, enhance and restore the high carbon stock ecosystems where they operate.
A summary of the Ipieca-OGCI guidance on natural climate solutions management.
This guidance considers the effects of oil releases on fisheries, tourism and other commercial activities, and outlines available compensation schemes.
This document provides occupational health, HSE and occupational hygiene practitioners in the energy industries with pragmatic advice on how workplace lighting can limit circadian disruption and enhance health, safety, and performance.
This report presents recommendations for optimal health risk assessment and management within a health, safety, and environment management programme.
The Ipieca-IOGP-GGFR Flaring management guidance outlines new developments in flaring management and reduction, and examines industry experiences with eliminating flaring, new technologies, business models, operational improvements and regulatory policy.
This document aims to help operators navigate the steps involved in implementing and maintaining a surveillance programme during a response to an oil spill.
A tool to help oil and gas companies assess and manage supply chain sustainability risks.
This document offers guidance for oil and gas industry JVs on the governance, policy development, implementation and management of HSSE&SR.
Ipieca has launched new guidance for companies on how to identify labour rights risks in their supply chains.
The second edition of the Water management framework reflects the lessons learnt from members and stakeholders in the years since its original publication.
This second edition reflects the continued evolution and valuable lessons learnt by Ipieca members from their shared experiences of developing and implementing human rights due diligence processes.
This document summarises Ipieca's updated Human rights due diligence guidance.
Accelerating action: an SDG Roadmap for the oil and gas sector (Roadmap) is an initiative led by Ipieca, the global oil and gas industry association for advancing environmental and social performance, in collaboration with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).
This document is a culmination of the good practices, information and strategies developed by Ipieca and IOGP members to respond to the unprecedented challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This joint Ipieca-IOGP technical support document helps operators navigate the steps and good practices involved in planning for, and implementing, a monitoring and sampling programme.
The second edition includes topics such as the relationship between environmental and social management, and the emergence of biodiversity and ecosystem services as a discipline.
This technical support document describes how to manage all the required onshore activities when dealing with an oil spill.
A framework to help companies shape the structure and content of their sustainability reporting, including for companies starting to report.
Ipieca has partnered with IOGP to develop new guidance on managing health in the oil and gas industry.
Ipieca has released updated guidance on lower-sulphur fuels, managing road transport emissions and improving air quality.
Ipieca has released updated guidance on lower-sulphur fuels, managing road transport emissions and improving air quality. Find the executive summary here.
The application of Globally Harmonized System (GHS) criteria to petroleum substances, has now been revised to include new research on the hazards of petroleum-related substances and constituents.
The publication is designed to provide guidance for stakeholders across the marine fuels and shipping industries, from fuel blenders and suppliers to end users.
Ipieca has released updated guidance on oil spill preparedness and response.
The new guidance aims to assist practitioners in identifying the typical steps necessary for the oil and gas industry when negotiating and structuring agreements with communities.
This document aims to assist community relations managers in planning their community liaison teams and recruiting community liaison officers (CLOs).
The guidance provides an overview of the issues around fatigue with a focus on developing, implementing and evaluating a fatigue risk management system.
This guidance document covers considerations on responsible recruitment and employment in the oil and gas industry.
This document provides guidance on the design and implementation of an on-site labour rights assessment, outlining approaches for conducting an on-site audit and assessment of contractors following contract commencement.
This document provides guidance on developing and implementing effective worker grievance mechanisms across oil and gas workplaces and project sites.
A detailed set of tools for comprehensive on-site labour rights assessments (Microsoft™ Excel® spreadsheet format).
This document provides a summary of the 2019 Ipieca-IOGP guidance on managing health in the oil and gas industry.
This report was developed to share guidance with those interested in understanding subsea well response competency and the skills that sit within it.
Ipieca has been engaged in a collaborative industry effort to establish good practice approaches for oil and gas companies working on Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC).
The BES Fundamentals guidance document which brings together information essential to informing BES strategy development and decision making at the corporate level ...
Social performance tools
This guidance document addresses the question of how to create successful and sustainable community investments and how to measure their success.
This practitioner note explores the challenges faced by companies as a result of increasing stakeholder demand for evidence-based reporting of social investment.
This practitioner note discusses the main evolutions in social investment since the launch of Ipieca's guidance in 2008, shares observations from practitioners, and includes practical ways practitioners can analyse their situation and approach the issue.
This practitioner note provides an overview of the process for designing a social investment strategy, and explores the different phases of the oil and gas project life cycle and their implications for social investment.
Checklist for medical emergency response planning for the oil and gas industry.
This Good Practice Guide (GPG) builds on two reports, the first produced on behalf of the Ipieca-IOGP OSR-JIP...
In-situ burning (ISB) is the controlled combustion or burning of hydrocarbon vapours...
Estimating petroleum industry value chain (Scope 3) greenhouse gas emissions, an overview of methodologies, informs oil and gas companies on value chain greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions estimation and approaches.
Ipieca and OGP have relaunched Managing Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services (BES) issues along the asset lifecycle in any environment: 10 tips forsuccess in the oil and gas industry. Originally published in 2010, the tips provide high level guidance on managing BES in the oil and gas industry. Each tip is supported by resources, many of which are Ipieca/OGP
This document offers guidance on understanding and delivering local content in relation to oil and gas projects.
This guide defines and outlines the purpose and value of health impact assessments within the oil and gas industry...
This document sets out the important factors to be considered when contemplating the clean-up of an oiled shoreline... (Revision 2016)
At sea containment and recovery is the controlled encounter and collection of oil from the water's surface. (Revision 2016)
Good practice guidelines for incident management and emergency response personnel. (Revision 2016)
Most large, well-known oil spills have occurred in the marine environment rather than inland... (Revision 2016)
This document outlines the guidance for the management of biodiversity and ecosystem services impacts, dependencies, risks and opportunities in the oil and gas sector.
The document has been prepared for the Multilateral Financing Institutions Biodiversity Working...
Good practice guidelines for incident management and emergency response personnel (Revision 2016)
The Cross-Sector Biodiversity Initiative (CSBI) guide provides practical guidance, innovative approaches and examples to support operationalizing the mitigation hierarchy effectively.
Good practice guidelines for incident management and emergency response personnel.
Good practice guidelines for incident management and emergency response personnel.
Good practice guidelines for incident management and emergency response personnel.
Good practice guidelines for incident management and emergency response personnel.
This report provides recommended practice for GIS/mapping in support of oil spill response...
Oil spill contingency planning is the process of developing a suitable spill response capability that is in compliance with the local regulatory framework and commensurate with the oil spill risks of an organization or facility. (Revision 2016)
Dispersant use can be an effective way of minimizing the overall ecological and socio-economic damage, by preventing oil from reaching coastal habitats and shorelines (Revision 2016)
This guidance is an addendum to the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) existing HSE Management - guidelines for working together in a contract environment
Appendices to the joint Ipieca-API document on technical considerations that are important for understanding and calculating GHG emission inventory uncertainty.
This Good Practice Guide is based on the Aerial Observation of Oil Pollution at Sea Operational Guide developed by CEDRE, and provides guidance on the identification and observation (Revision 2016)
The Oil Spill Response Joint Industry Project (OSR-JIP) technical document (Revision 2016)
This joint Ipieca-API document is designed to provide a summary of technical considerations that are important for understanding and calculating greenhouse gas (GHG) emission inventory uncertainty.
Tiered Preparedness and Response is recognised as the basis on which to establish a robust oil spill preparedness and response framework. (Revision 2016)
This toolbox enables oil and gas companies to create, implement and raise awareness of community grievance mechanisms (CGMs). Wherever oil and gas companies do business, engaging with affected communities and responding to their concerns is essential to operating successfully whilst ensuring respect for human rights.
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on estimating the effectiveness of dispersant application in the field by describing: the factors that determine the effectiveness of dispersant; and how the effectiveness of dispersant application in the field may be monitored, evaluated and verified
The guidance presents a systematic process for the onshore oil and gas industry to identify and assess potential measures to improve water efficiency via incorporating the principles of water stewardship, integrating water resource management
The document provides an overview of the key concepts and solutions in oiled wildlife response preparedness, and explains how a higher level of integrated preparedness can be achieved. (Revision 2016)
Optimized, effective waste management is integral to petroleum refinery operations. It helps minimize risk to both people and the environment, enhances resource utilization, and reduces costs.
The Human Rights Training Tool (3rd edition) enables oil and gas companies to develop a better understanding of the corporate responsibility to respect human rights and key human rights issues relevant for the industry.
This new Operating Management System Framework is designed to help companies define and achieve performance goals and stakeholder benefits, while managing the broad and significant range of risks inherent in the oil and gas industry.
Providing an overview of good practices and strategies, this practical document explores a range of key mercury management issues encompassing environmental controls, worker health and safety, process safety, product safety, waste management, and product stewardship.
A manual for implementing operational-level grievance mechanisms and designing corporate frameworks.
Good practice guidelines for incident management and emergency response personnel (Revision 2016)
In the event of a major incident, neighbouring companies may be asked to provide responders, oil spill response equipment and associated materials, either individually or as part of a mutual aid programme.
In general, mutual aid plans are written to encompass the possibility that respondersThis guide presents a systematic process for the onshore industry to select water sources that best meet project needs within the broader context of local or regional water management.
Responder training is an essential pre-condition for effective oil spill response, which requires personnel who understand... (Revision 2)
Despite the best intentions of an on-water response to an oil spill at sea or in a river, the likelihood is that at least some of the spilled oil will eventually reach the shoreline. (Revision 2016)
This Guide describes how human rights can be integrated into environmental, social and health impact assessments (ESHIAs), which the oil and gas industry routinely uses to evaluate projects and activities.
The Cross Sector Biodiversity Initiative (CSBI) Timeline Tool has been designed to assist project planning in the extractives industries to better align project development, biodiversity impact management, and financial timelines and milestones.
Psycho-social risks (PSR) is one of the factors impacting expatriates' job performance and personal behaviour as they need to cope with their new living and working environment. This guide has been designed for managers, health professionals and expatriates and provides an overview of the psycho-social risks and practical tools to manage PSR for expatriates.
The Timeline Tool assists professionals planning extractive projects in coordinating project development calendars, biodiversity impact assessment and management schedules, and financial timelines and milestones.
This document refers to the importance of oil characterisation and the oil spill response parameters important in assessing strategy following a spill.
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), i.e. heart attacks and strokes, are the main causes of death within the oil and gas industry. This guidance document has been designed for doctors, medical professionals
A document detailing the planning principles of ensuring a robust dispersant logistics and supply chain during an incident.
A technical support document to accompany the Ipieca-IOGP guidance on surface and subsurface dispersant
This guide is aimed at health, safety and environment practitioners, as well as medical personnel and health risks managers working for the oil and gas industry.
The Oil Spill Response Joint Industry Project (OSR-JIP) technical document (Revision 2016)
Energy management through a well-structured 'energy management system' (EnMS) ensures that energy issues are properly taken into consideration in all aspects of the industry's activities.01.
This document describes 'good practices' and strategies that can be used in petroleum refineries to manage emissions of air pollutants, and includes a special section on how to identify odour sources. Many of the techniques may also be applicable to those chemical plants and petroleum distribution facilities having similar equipment and operations.
This document introduces considerations and recommendations for oil and gas development in coastal environments. It highlights key issues for decision-makers and their advisors, project managers and HSE professionals in planning, designing, impact-assessing and managing oil and gas activities in these areas.
This new edition has been updated in response to the IFC's new performance standards (2012) and also includes an expanded 'useful resources' section. The document contains an overview of Indigenous Peoples
Sensitivity maps convey essential information to those responding to oil spills by identifying the sites of coastal resources and environmentally-sensitive areas. (Revision 2016)
This guide presents a structured process for the systematic identification, assessment and management of the risks associated with tasks that place specific demands (physical or psychological) on employees.
The Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights are designed to help extractive companies maintain the safety and security of their operations within an operating framework that ensures respect for human rights
This guide aims to assist companies in evaluating the national and regional security contexts and identify the different challenges that are likely to affect extractive operations.
The security of company operations in a host country depends significantly on the company's engagement and relations with the national security sector.
This publication draws on the experience and expertise of the industry, through Ipieca and OGP, and the World Bank-led Global Gas Flaring Reduction Public-Private partnership (GGFR).
Recognizing the need to update the original version of the Guidelines to reflect changing practices, Ipieca and API jointly initiated the development of this second edition of the Guidelines to continue to promote credible
The oil and gas industry both depends and impacts upon biodiversity and ecosystem services (BES). These checklists cover the five stages of the oil and gas life cycle for six generic habitat types, onshore and offshore.
The oil and gas industry both depends and impacts upon biodiversity and ecosystem services (BES). The aim of this guide is threefold. Firstly, it explains the relationship between biodiversity, ecosystem services and the oil and gas industry.
Substance misuse is an issue of widespread global concern, and one that demands attention from all sectors of society and industry. Aside from the obvious potential for workplace disruption, and the deleterious effect on
This manual describes typical 'best practices' and strategies used in petroleum refineries to manage water, including ways to reduce water usage. Improved water management in a petroleum refinery can potentially reduce the volume and cost of raw water used in refinery operations. Furthermore, improved water management may result in reductions in wastewater flow or contaminant load or both. Lower flow and contaminant load may result in lower wastewater treatment operating and maintenance costs. Optimized water management may also reduce the mass of contaminants in the treated effluent, thus improving the quality of a wastewater discharge and ultimately the environmental impact of a refinery's discharge.
The purpose of this guide is to help managers and supervisors at all levels in the oil and gas industry to be aware of the threat of tuberculosis (TB), and to help them mitigate the impact of TB on their companies' projects and operations.
Promotion and certification of sustainable biofuels is complex and requires a well coordinated, multi-faceted and credible approach, and includes compliance with government mandates, international standards and certification programmes, which will be instrumental in promoting the responsible production of sustainable biofuels. This guide provides an introduction to biofuels Chain of Custody (CoC) systems as well as providing information on the different types of CoC systems in use.
This document provides general background on drilling fluids and the various categories of base fluids and additives currently in use. It outlines potential health hazards associated with these substances, looks at potential areas for human exposure presented by drilling operations, and introduces risk management methods and monitoring processes aimed at reducing the risk of harmful health effects.
The uncertainties inherent in the data used for emission inventories help inform and improve understanding for the data's use. This is receiving increased attention in order to understand determinations of GHG emissions and emission reductions. This document provides background information, and details, on measurement uncertainty and statistical calculation methods that improve the quality of GHG emission estimations for the oil and gas industry. It is a collaborative effort between Ipieca, the American Petroleum Institute (API) and CONCAWE.
Many oil and gas companies have operations in extreme climates, and this work can pose a number of hazards, including extremes of temperature as well as wind and humidity. These guidelines aim to provide practical information to line management and health professionals in order to help protect and maintain health, and prevent accidents, illness and loss of life.
The purpose of this guide is to provide, in a simple and accessible format, basic guidance on risk assessment and risk management in conflict settings that oil and gas companies might face.
This document is the second of five greenhouse gas reduction 'project families' in an ongoing process of developing guidelines for project activities of interest to the oil and gas industry. Guidelines are provided for carbon dioxide capture and geological storage as an emission reduction option. The focus is on specific technical considerations and aspects rather than policy considerations.
The purpose of this document is to develop a voluntary framework for assessing GHG emission reductions associated with specific types of oil and natural gas projects, including references to relevant methodologies or guidance.
This document provides an introduction to health risk assessment (HRA) processes as well as a CD-based template giving examples of HRA specific implementation.
Sulphur is naturally present in crude oil, and must be removed to create lower sulphur fuels. The removal processes present large technological and resource challenges.
This guide helps oil industry managers and supervisors understand, recognize, and deal effectively with stress in the workplace. It encourages and enables a holistic approach to the management of workplace stress, with a focus on prevention. The guide is designed to complement current practice, which tends to focus more on developing employee ability to cope with stress and, when this fails, on treatment options.
This publication communicates how the oil and gas industry is using partnerships to respond to challenges of meeting global energy demand and to contribute to sustainable development. The publication explores the partnering process through challenges and lessons learned identified by Ipieca members and their partners in the forty case studies featured.
This document is intended to provide a set of resources for oil & gas industry professional tasked with formulating policy and implementing best practices across their organisations.
This document provides background, starting-point references and resources to help regulators, engineers, refiners and marketers plan and execute the phase out of leaded gasoline. It features extracts from documents written by Ipieca members