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This awareness briefing provides an overview of water management in the onshore development and production of oil and gas from shale.
Statoil, an international energy company, expanding activities
within shale oil and gas in a sustainable mannerShaping water management plans to meet local risks. Eni corporate worldwide oil and gas, petrochemical, refining and engineering operations.
ConocoPhillips undertakes the first pilot of the tool at the Surmont 1 Oil Sands development in Canada.
This new Operating Management System Framework is designed to help companies define and achieve performance goals and stakeholder benefits, while managing the broad and significant range of risks inherent in the oil and gas industry.
In 2014, UNEP-WCMC (United Nations Environment Programme - World Conservation Monitoring Centre) and Ipieca, the global oil and gas industry association for environmental and social
Providing an overview of good practices and strategies, this practical document explores a range of key mercury management issues encompassing environmental controls, worker health and safety, process safety, product safety, waste management, and product stewardship.
This guide presents a systematic process for the onshore industry to select water sources that best meet project needs within the broader context of local or regional water management.
In late 2013, Ipieca co-hosted a webinar and workshop with the Global Environmental Management Initiative (GEMI) focused on water risk assessment tools, including the Ipieca Global Water Tool (GWT) for Oil and Gas, a customised version of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Global Water Tool, the GEMI Local Water Tool (LWT)
The Cross Sector Biodiversity Initiative (CSBI) Timeline Tool has been designed to assist project planning in the extractives industries to better align project development, biodiversity impact management, and financial timelines and milestones.
Title Type Theme Published Download Water management in shale oil and gas Awareness brief Nature 01 Oct 2014 Assessing water risks in business development projects Case study Nature 18 Jul 2014 Global mapping of Eni sites in water stressed areas Case study Nature 16 Jul 2014 GEMI Local Water Tool™ pilot test Case study Nature 15 Jul 2014 Operating Management System Framework for controlling risk and delivering high performance in the oil and gas industry Good practice guidance Climate, Nature, People, Sustainability 24 Jun 2014 Extractives Case Studies Case study Nature 14 Jun 2014 Mercury management in petroleum refining Good practice guidance Nature 24 May 2014 Identifying and assessing water sources Good practice guidance Nature 24 Mar 2014 Ipieca-GEMI Water Risk Assessment Tools Webinar and Workshop: Outcomes Summary Workshop Nature 15 Feb 2014 Cross Sector Biodiversity Initiative timeline tool Good practice guidance Nature 24 Dec 2013