Our publications are free to download. If you wish to obtain hard copies, please contact the Secretariat.
This guidance clarifies currently used terminology in the water stewardship space and presents users with a streamlined water stewardship action scheme that synthesises water frameworks and disclosure standards for the energy sector.
Undertaking ‘meaningful engagement’ not only enables companies to meet regulatory guidelines and international standards, but also build robust, constructive and reciprocal relationships with stakeholders.
This recommended practice identifies key drug and alcohol programme elements and is intended for use by contractor companies and oil and gas industry owners and operators.
The increasing global movement of people and goods elevates the risk of the introduction, spread, and establishment of invasive alien species (IAS), impacting biodiversity and businesses. This document provides guidance for prevention and management.
The Readiness Evaluation Tool for Oil Spills (RETOS™) aims to assist governments and companies in assessing their level of oil spill response planning and readiness management.
Oil and gas operations take place in many countries where the quality of medical services and specialities differs. It is therefore important for a company to assess local health facilities to ensure that they can provide optimal medical care for their workers.
This industry-specific document provides guidance on the prevention of food- and water-related diseases.
Ipieca, together with IOGP and the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI), have released a recommended practices guide to help operators select and deploy methane detection and quantification technologies.
An Incident Management System (IMS) is essential to optimizing response times and efficiency, providing clarity in command and control, improving resource coordination and communications, and facilitating the cooperation and integration of responding organizations.
This document is aimed at those persons responsible for ensuring that oil spill contingency plans are practised and verified, providing guidance on constructing an exercise programme that is suitable for meeting an organization’s or facility’s requirements.
This document identifies the principal health and safety issues when an oil spill occurs, their degree of severity and the practical steps to minimize the impact of the spill.
Indicators for the health performance of the industry are a necessary part of effective health management and the promotion of improvements in health performance.
Twelve e-learning modules to support the industry and its supply chain to improve awareness and management of labour rights issues.
This Ipieca-IOGP guidance is designed to help HSE/SD professionals to develop biodiversity action plans (BAPs) for their activities and projects.
The objective of this guidance is to provide a structured framework to guide practitioners, towards the implementation of an effective and efficient local content measurement and reporting process. It offers a roadmap to select, collect, and analyze metrics.
Guidance to support practitioners in developing robust social baselines for offshore project impacts to fisheries.
This document provides guidance for business leaders, HSE professionals, and health practitioners on the business case for outcome-focused and cost-effective medical emergency response (MER) and primary healthcare in the energy industries.
The Ipieca-OGCI Natural climate solutions: high carbon stock ecosystems management guidance supports the Paris Agreement goals by setting out the key principles to help energy companies conserve, enhance and restore the high carbon stock ecosystems where they operate.
A summary of the Ipieca-OGCI guidance on natural climate solutions management.
This guidance considers the effects of oil releases on fisheries, tourism and other commercial activities, and outlines available compensation schemes.
This document provides occupational health, HSE and occupational hygiene practitioners in the energy industries with pragmatic advice on how workplace lighting can limit circadian disruption and enhance health, safety, and performance.
This report presents recommendations for optimal health risk assessment and management within a health, safety, and environment management programme.
The Ipieca-IOGP-GGFR Flaring management guidance outlines new developments in flaring management and reduction, and examines industry experiences with eliminating flaring, new technologies, business models, operational improvements and regulatory policy.
This document aims to help operators navigate the steps involved in implementing and maintaining a surveillance programme during a response to an oil spill.
A tool to help oil and gas companies assess and manage supply chain sustainability risks.
This document offers guidance for oil and gas industry JVs on the governance, policy development, implementation and management of HSSE&SR.
Ipieca has launched new guidance for companies on how to identify labour rights risks in their supply chains.
The second edition of the Water management framework reflects the lessons learnt from members and stakeholders in the years since its original publication.
This second edition reflects the continued evolution and valuable lessons learnt by Ipieca members from their shared experiences of developing and implementing human rights due diligence processes.
This document summarises Ipieca's updated Human rights due diligence guidance.
Accelerating action: an SDG Roadmap for the oil and gas sector (Roadmap) is an initiative led by Ipieca, the global oil and gas industry association for advancing environmental and social performance, in collaboration with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).
This document is a culmination of the good practices, information and strategies developed by Ipieca and IOGP members to respond to the unprecedented challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Title Type Theme Published Download Water stewardship Good practice guidance Nature 16 Dec 2024 Meaningful engagement Good practice guidance People 25 Sep 2024 Oil and gas contractor drug and alcohol testing recommended practice Good practice guidance People 29 Aug 2024 Invasive alien species and the energy industry Good practice guidance Nature 17 Jul 2024 Readiness evaluation tool for oil spills Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 09 Jul 2024 Medical facilities assessment Good practice guidance People 07 Feb 2024 Food and water safety in the oil and gas industry Good practice guidance People 10 Nov 2023 Recommended practices for methane emissions detection and quantification technologies - upstream Good practice guidance Climate 26 Sep 2023 Incident Management System for the oil and gas industry Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 10 Aug 2023 Oil spill exercises Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 10 Aug 2023 Oil spill responder health and safety Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 10 Aug 2023 Health performance indicators Good practice guidance People 04 Jul 2023 Online labour rights training Good practice guidance People, Sustainability 12 May 2023 A guide to developing biodiversity action plans Good practice guidance Nature 13 Mar 2023 Local content measurement and reporting Good practice guidance People 13 Mar 2023 Offshore impacts to fisheries: practitioner guidance for social baselines Good practice guidance People 15 Feb 2023 Medical emergency response and primary healthcare guideline Good practice guidance People 08 Dec 2022 Natural climate solutions: high carbon stock ecosystems management Good practice guidance Climate, Nature 28 Nov 2022 Natural climate solutions: high carbon stock ecosystems management - executive summary Good practice guidance Climate, Nature 09 Nov 2022 Economic assessment and compensation for marine oil releases Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 20 Oct 2022 Managing light exposure in the energy industries Good practice guidance People 18 May 2022 Health risk assessment and management Good practice guidance People 05 Apr 2022 Flaring management guidance Good practice guidance Climate 02 Feb 2022 Oil spill surveillance planning guidance Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 23 Nov 2021 Supply chain library of questions and resources Good practice guidance Sustainability 15 Sep 2021 Guidelines for health, safety, security, environment and social responsibility governance in joint ventures Good practice guidance Climate, Nature, People, Sustainability, Corporate 02 Sep 2021 Labour rights risk identification in the supply chain Good practice guidance Sustainability 30 Jun 2021 Water management framework Good practice guidance Nature 14 Jun 2021 Human rights due diligence guidance Good practice guidance People 19 May 2021 Human rights due diligence guidance - executive summary Good practice guidance People 19 May 2021 Accelerating action: an SDG Roadmap for the oil and gas sector Good practice guidance Sustainability 20 Apr 2021 Pandemic management in the oil and gas industry Good practice guidance People 07 Apr 2021