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Ipieca hosted a two-day workshop to convene the industry and its key stakeholders with the aim of building consensus and enhancing understanding of the importance, challenges and opportunities of carbon offsets as part of a broader carbon mitigation strategy.
On 2 November 2020, Ipieca held a virtual methane workshop. This report summarizes the presentations and discussions that took place during the workshop.
The report highlights some of the opportunities and challenges to decarbonize the transport sector, the importance of reducing emissions from agriculture and land use ...
Ipieca held a workshop - Making CCS fly - that brought together more than 50 participants from across the oil and gas sector and expert communities to discuss the role, barriers and opportunities presented by CCS.
The Ipieca-organized workshop, held in Houston, Texas on 15-16 March 2016, brought together experts from academia, business, governments, and international and non-governmental organizations...
The report explores some of the major themes impacting the SLCFs discussion, and aims to: Identify and understand the effects on warming, precipitation, and air ...
Widespread deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS) requires addressing remaining knowledge gaps and implementation barriers. Resolving these involves a portfolio of activities including research and development, demonstration projects, and developing
"Greenhouse gas emissions reporting: Perspectives on voluntary and regulatory regimes" provides a summary of the themes heard at the 2011 Ipieca workshop. It is aimed at everyone who has an interest in greenhouse gas reporting and the requirements it places on companies.
The effectiveness and efficiency of regulatory and other policy approaches intended to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from transportation fuels can hinge on the fuel life-cycle analysis (LCA). This report provides a summary of the workshop of the same name, convened in September 2010
International cooperation will be critical if society is to efficiently manage the risks posed by global climate change. This workshop considered the future of international policy architectures to manage climate change risk.
The goal of this workshop was to advance understanding of the role of CO2 capture and geological storage, and strategies to improve its performance and prospects. This booklet summarizes the discussions and presentations made at the workshop.
This guidance clarifies currently used terminology in the water stewardship space and presents users with a streamlined water stewardship action scheme that synthesises water frameworks and disclosure standards for the energy sector.
This document provides examples of how Ipieca companies are taking ambitious biodiversity actions which contribute towards the goals of the Global Biodiversity Framework.
This webinar explains how oil, gas and alternative energy companies can use the guidance to prevent the introduction and spread of invasive alien species (IAS), and develop and implement robust multi-stakeholder IAS management plans. The session also includes case studies on IAS good practice from leading energy companies.
This 3-part webinar series aims to deepen understanding around the challenges and solutions to the increased demand for mining raw materials for the energy transition, particularly in wind and solar energy projects.
The increasing global movement of people and goods elevates the risk of the introduction, spread, and establishment of invasive alien species (IAS), impacting biodiversity and businesses. This document provides guidance for prevention and management.
Ipieca and IOGP members share their companies' experiences in developing and utilising BAPs.
This Ipieca-IOGP guidance is designed to help HSE/SD professionals to develop biodiversity action plans (BAPs) for their activities and projects.
This document outlines the key messages on BES good practices for the industry, and explores how industry and governments can support and work with each other to mainstream biodiversity across the energy transition.
The Ipieca-OGCI Natural climate solutions: high carbon stock ecosystems management guidance supports the Paris Agreement goals by setting out the key principles to help energy companies conserve, enhance and restore the high carbon stock ecosystems where they operate.
A summary of the Ipieca-OGCI guidance on natural climate solutions management.
This document offers guidance for oil and gas industry JVs on the governance, policy development, implementation and management of HSSE&SR.
The second edition of the Water management framework reflects the lessons learnt from members and stakeholders in the years since its original publication.
This infographic summarises the water and wastewater management uses in the oil and gas industry.
This joint Ipieca - UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) report provides a summary of key drivers, challenges and opportunities for biodiversity and ecosystem services (BES) management in the oil and gas industry.
This fact sheet on provides a high-level overview of how companies in the oil and gas sector can define, assess and respond to water risks.
The second edition includes topics such as the relationship between environmental and social management, and the emergence of biodiversity and ecosystem services as a discipline.
This webinar provides an overview of the 'Reuse of produced water from the onshore oil and gas industry' fact sheet, outlining opportunities and challenges for reusing produced water, with examples from Ipieca members Total, Occidental and Shell.
Dr. Tidjani Niass of Saudi Aramco will introduce and propose the circular carbon economy as a pragmatic, alternative development model based on a more efficient use of natural resources.
Ipieca has developed a new fact sheet on evaluating the opportunities and challenges of reusing produced water for the onshore oil and gas industry.
The application of Globally Harmonized System (GHS) criteria to petroleum substances, has now been revised to include new research on the hazards of petroleum-related substances and constituents.
The BES Fundamentals guidance document which brings together information essential to informing BES strategy development and decision making at the corporate level ...