Ipieca has been working for over 35 years to harness the oil and gas industry’s collective expertise and technology on marine spill preparedness and response. While prevention is always the ultimate goal, Ipieca gives equally high priority to developing the capability to respond to spills. Ipieca develops good practice and facilitates industry forums to share marine spill preparedness and response.

Dispersants are one of several tools available to combat oil spills. These webpages provide accurate and up to date dispersant related resources from Ipieca, oil and gas associations, environmental protection agencies, international maritime bodies, scientific and government research institutes. These range from dispersants FAQs and explainers to practical guidance on responsible use of dispersants through to the latest research findings.

The following resources represent Ipieca’s key technical reports and good practice guidance on marine spill preparedness and response. This includes the work of the five-year Joint Industry Project with the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP). Our work continues in close cooperation with our industry partners including IOGP.

Launched in 1996, the Global Initiative (GI) is an umbrella programme under which governments, through the International Maritime Organization (IMO), and the oil industry, through Ipieca, work together to assist countries in developing national structures and capability for oil spill preparedness and response.