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- Carbon Capture and Storage: A key technology for delivering a low-emissions world (The Paris Puzzle)
Carbon capture and storage: A key technology for delivering a low-emissions world is one piece of the Paris Puzzle...
Natural gas: Into the future is one piece of the Paris Puzzle - a series of papers intended to address what we see as key components of efforts to address climate change...
While a significant amount of attention surrounding climate change has focused on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, there is growing interest in the role of methane (CH4) and other short-lived climate forcers.
Over the past year, the concepts of 'unburnable carbon', 'stranded assets' and a 'carbon bubble' have been promoted by a number of groups, gaining the attention of investors, academics and the media.
A fact sheet from a series developed by Ipieca and OGP to demonstrate the oil and gas industry's present and future contribution to sustainable development. Prepared in advance of the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20).
A fact sheet from a series developed by Ipieca and OGP to demonstrate the oil and gas industry's present and future contribution to sustainable development.
A fact sheet from a series developed by Ipieca and OGP to demonstrate the oil and gas industry's present and future contribution to sustainable development.
Title Type Theme Published Download Carbon Capture and Storage: A key technology for delivering a low-emissions world (The Paris Puzzle) Fact sheet Climate 01 Jun 2015 Natural gas: Into the future (The Paris Puzzle) Fact sheet Climate 16 Apr 2015 Exploring methane emissions Fact sheet Climate 01 Apr 2015 Exploring the concept of 'unburnable carbon' Fact sheet Climate 15 Jun 2014 Biofuels: maximizing sustainability Fact sheet Climate 15 Jun 2012 Partnerships: working together to achieve more. Fact sheet Climate, Nature, People, Marine spill preparedness and response, Corporate 28 Apr 2012 Preventing corruption: promoting transparent business practices Fact sheet People 23 Apr 2012 Energy efficiency: improving energy use from production to consumer Fact sheet Climate 23 Apr 2012