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This new fact sheet explores the scale-up and deployment of CCS in more detail and presents a series of facts about the necessary development of this technology.
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a key technology in transforming the energy system and moving towards the long-term temperature goals of the Paris Agreement. However, there are several barriers preventing it from expanding more swiftly.
A joint UNDP, IFC, Ipieca and ICMM side event summary
The report highlights some of the opportunities and challenges to decarbonize the transport sector, the importance of reducing emissions from agriculture and land use ...
This publication builds on Ipieca's 2015 Paris Puzzle, providing perspective on the common elements and enablers of pathways to meet a low-emissions future.
Ipieca held a workshop - Making CCS fly - that brought together more than 50 participants from across the oil and gas sector and expert communities to discuss the role, barriers and opportunities presented by CCS.
Estimating petroleum industry value chain (Scope 3) greenhouse gas emissions, an overview of methodologies, informs oil and gas companies on value chain greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions estimation and approaches.
The Paris Puzzle: The Pathway to a low-emissions future lays out our global membership view on the challenges the world faces in transitioning to a low-greenhouse gas emissions future.
Effective policy: The driver of results is one piece of the Paris Puzzle - a series of papers intended to address what we see as key components...
Published in the run up to COP21 in Paris, this series of papers was intended to address what Ipieca sees as key components of efforts to address climate change and demonstrate our commitment to meeting the challenge.
Title Type Theme Published Download Making the case for carbon capture and storage Fact sheet Climate 21 Jan 2019 Carbon capture and storage - a key technology in low-emissions pathways Webinar Climate 16 Jan 2018 A joint UNDP, IFC, Ipieca and ICMM side event summary Awareness brief Corporate, Marine spill preparedness and response 17 Nov 2017 Oil and gas in a carbon constrained world: perspectives, challenges, and opportunities Workshop Climate 15 Aug 2017 Exploring low-emissions pathways: advancing the Paris Puzzle Awareness brief Climate 14 Nov 2016 Making CCS fly: Ipieca workshop summary Workshop Climate 01 Nov 2016 Estimating petroleum industry value chain (Scope 3) greenhouse gas emissions. Overview of methodologies. Good practice guidance Climate 30 Jun 2016 The Paris Puzzle: The pathway to a low-emissions future Fact sheet Climate 01 Jun 2015 Effective policy: The driver of results (The Paris Puzzle) Fact sheet Climate 01 Jun 2015 The Paris Puzzle series Fact sheet Climate 01 Jun 2015