Our publications are free to download. If you wish to obtain hard copies, please contact the Secretariat.
This video provides an introduction to human rights, including the key elements of the UN Guiding Principles and why human rights are important for the energy sector. Available with English or Spanish subtitles.
Ipieca is pleased to launch its labour rights training, developed with the contribution of Building Responsibly and hosted on the Supply Chain Sustainability School’s e-learning platform.
Twelve e-learning modules to support the industry and its supply chain to improve awareness and management of labour rights issues.
This second edition reflects the continued evolution and valuable lessons learnt by Ipieca members from their shared experiences of developing and implementing human rights due diligence processes.
This document summarises Ipieca's updated Human rights due diligence guidance.
The Human Rights Training Tool (3rd edition) enables oil and gas companies to develop a better understanding of the corporate responsibility to respect human rights and key human rights issues relevant for the industry.
This Guide describes how human rights can be integrated into environmental, social and health impact assessments (ESHIAs), which the oil and gas industry routinely uses to evaluate projects and activities.
The Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights are designed to help extractive companies maintain the safety and security of their operations within an operating framework that ensures respect for human rights
Title Type Theme Published Download Human rights introductory awareness video Awareness brief People 20 Dec 2023 Webinar: Launch of online labour rights training Webinar People, Sustainability 25 May 2023 Online labour rights training Good practice guidance People, Sustainability 12 May 2023 Human rights due diligence guidance Good practice guidance People 19 May 2021 Human rights due diligence guidance - executive summary Good practice guidance People 19 May 2021 Human rights training tool - 3rd edition Good practice guidance People 24 Jun 2014 Integrating human rights into environmental, social and health impact assessments Good practice guidance People 27 Dec 2013 Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights: Implementation Guidance Tools Good practice guidance People 27 Jan 2012