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Arpel, IMO and Ipieca launch and present a live demonstration of the new web application of RETOS™ (Readiness Evaluation Tool for Oil Spills).
This document identifies the principal health and safety issues when an oil spill occurs, their degree of severity and the practical steps to minimize the impact of the spill.
This document is aimed at those persons responsible for ensuring that oil spill contingency plans are practised and verified, providing guidance on constructing an exercise programme that is suitable for meeting an organization’s or facility’s requirements.
An Incident Management System (IMS) is essential to optimizing response times and efficiency, providing clarity in command and control, improving resource coordination and communications, and facilitating the cooperation and integration of responding organizations.
This guidance considers the effects of oil releases on fisheries, tourism and other commercial activities, and outlines available compensation schemes.
Ipieca and IOGP have launched a quick reference infographic and video for local responders to use when deciding whether to spray surface dispersant on oil spills.
This document aims to help operators navigate the steps involved in implementing and maintaining a surveillance programme during a response to an oil spill.
This joint Ipieca-IOGP technical support document helps operators navigate the steps and good practices involved in planning for, and implementing, a monitoring and sampling programme.
This technical support document describes how to manage all the required onshore activities when dealing with an oil spill.
Ipieca has released updated guidance on oil spill preparedness and response.
Ipieca has partnered with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to develop a shared understanding of the implications of the UN SDGs for the oil and gas industry and how the industry can most effectively contribute.
This report was developed to share guidance with those interested in understanding subsea well response competency and the skills that sit within it.
A joint UNDP, IFC, Ipieca and ICMM side event summary
Ipieca has partnered with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to develop a shared understanding of the implications of the UN SDGs for the oil and gas industry and how the industry can most effectively contribute.
This Good Practice Guide (GPG) builds on two reports, the first produced on behalf of the Ipieca-IOGP OSR-JIP...
In-situ burning (ISB) is the controlled combustion or burning of hydrocarbon vapours...
This document sets out the important factors to be considered when contemplating the clean-up of an oiled shoreline... (Revision 2016)
At sea containment and recovery is the controlled encounter and collection of oil from the water's surface. (Revision 2016)
Good practice guidelines for incident management and emergency response personnel. (Revision 2016)
Most large, well-known oil spills have occurred in the marine environment rather than inland... (Revision 2016)
This document addresses Finding 9 of the OGP Global Industry Response Group (GIRG) report which recommended that industry conduct an assessment of potential exposure based on current Tier 2, Tier 3 and commercial response bases to help inform the potential location of any additional resources required.
Volunteer assistance can prove to be a useful resource for spill response activities, and can provide quick access to a large number of people who often possess useful local knowledge...
Good practice guidelines for incident management and emergency response personnel (Revision 2016)
A technical support document to accompany the Ipieca-IOGP guidance on net environmental benefit analysis (NEBA)
Good practice guidelines for incident management and emergency response personnel.
Good practice guidelines for incident management and emergency response personnel.
A technical support document to accompany the Ipieca-IOGP guidance on wildlife response preparedness
Good practice guidelines for incident management and emergency response personnel.
Good practice guidelines for incident management and emergency response personnel.
This report provides recommended practice for GIS/mapping in support of oil spill response...
Title Type Theme Published Download Webinar: Global launch of RETOS™ Webinar Marine spill preparedness and response 09 Jul 2024 Oil spill responder health and safety Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 10 Aug 2023 Oil spill exercises Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 10 Aug 2023 Incident Management System for the oil and gas industry Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 10 Aug 2023 Economic assessment and compensation for marine oil releases Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 20 Oct 2022 Dispersant decision toolkit Awareness brief Marine spill preparedness and response 11 Feb 2022 Oil spill surveillance planning guidance Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 23 Nov 2021 Oil spill monitoring and sampling Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 20 Nov 2020 Shoreline response programme guidance Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 14 Jul 2020 Oil spill preparedness and response: An introduction (2019) Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 12 Aug 2019 Mapping the oil and gas industry to the Sustainable Development Goals: An Atlas (Executive summary) Awareness brief Sustainability, Marine spill preparedness and response, Corporate 17 Jul 2019 Guidance for subsea source control competency and skills Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 01 Jan 2019 A joint UNDP, IFC, Ipieca and ICMM side event summary Awareness brief Corporate, Marine spill preparedness and response 17 Nov 2017 Mapping the oil and gas industry to the Sustainable Development Goals: An Atlas Awareness brief Sustainability, Marine spill preparedness and response, Corporate 19 Jul 2017 Satellite remote sensing of oil spills at sea Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 20 Dec 2016 Controlled in-situ burning of spilled oil Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 20 Oct 2016 A guide to shoreline clean-up techniques Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 10 Dec 2015 At-sea containment and recovery Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 01 Dec 2015 Impacts of oil spills on marine ecology Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 12 Nov 2015 Oil spills: inland response Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 09 Sep 2015 The global distribution and assessment of major oil spill response resources Awareness brief Marine spill preparedness and response 16 Aug 2015 Volunteer management Case study Marine spill preparedness and response 01 Jul 2015 A guide to oiled shoreline clean-up techniques Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 11 Jun 2015 Guidelines on implementing spill impact mitigation assessment (SIMA) Awareness brief Marine spill preparedness and response 01 Jun 2015 Response strategy development using net environmental benefit analysis (NEBA) Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 01 Jun 2015 Dispersants: subsea application Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 01 Jun 2015 Key principles for the protection, care and rehabilitation of oiled wildlife Awareness brief Marine spill preparedness and response 01 Jun 2015 Impacts of oil spills on shorelines Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 21 May 2015 In-water surveillance of oil spills at sea Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 01 May 2015 Common Operating Picture Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 17 Apr 2015