Our publications are free to download. If you wish to obtain hard copies, please contact the Secretariat.
This guidance clarifies currently used terminology in the water stewardship space and presents users with a streamlined water stewardship action scheme that synthesises water frameworks and disclosure standards for the energy sector.
The second edition of the Water management framework reflects the lessons learnt from members and stakeholders in the years since its original publication.
This infographic summarises the water and wastewater management uses in the oil and gas industry.
This fact sheet on provides a high-level overview of how companies in the oil and gas sector can define, assess and respond to water risks.
This webinar provides an overview of the 'Reuse of produced water from the onshore oil and gas industry' fact sheet, outlining opportunities and challenges for reusing produced water, with examples from Ipieca members Total, Occidental and Shell.
Ipieca has developed a new fact sheet on evaluating the opportunities and challenges of reusing produced water for the onshore oil and gas industry.
Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) / Shell.
Oman -Since 2011, a third of produced water from the Nimr oil feed in Oman has been treated in a purposely built reed bed facility.At Shell's Groundbirch venture, British Columbia, the local area is prone to water shortages. In order to minimise freshwater use, Shell and the City of Dawson Creek ...
In-house water risk assessment tool strengthens Repsol's water management performance
BP's Kwinana Refinery in Western Australia is located in an area that has experienced significant reduction in river flows.
The guidance presents a systematic process for the onshore oil and gas industry to identify and assess potential measures to improve water efficiency via incorporating the principles of water stewardship, integrating water resource management
This awareness briefing provides an overview of water management in the onshore development and production of oil and gas from shale.
Statoil, an international energy company, expanding activities
within shale oil and gas in a sustainable mannerShaping water management plans to meet local risks. Eni corporate worldwide oil and gas, petrochemical, refining and engineering operations.
ConocoPhillips undertakes the first pilot of the tool at the Surmont 1 Oil Sands development in Canada.
This guide presents a systematic process for the onshore industry to select water sources that best meet project needs within the broader context of local or regional water management.
In late 2013, Ipieca co-hosted a webinar and workshop with the Global Environmental Management Initiative (GEMI) focused on water risk assessment tools, including the Ipieca Global Water Tool (GWT) for Oil and Gas, a customised version of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Global Water Tool, the GEMI Local Water Tool (LWT)
This product highlights the interface between the management of biodiversity and ecosystem services (BES) and water issues throughout upstream onshore oil and gas operations, and outlines the key management steps for identifying and assessing both dependencies and potential impacts of operations on BES, and water risks
This manual describes typical 'best practices' and strategies used in petroleum refineries to manage water, including ways to reduce water usage. Improved water management in a petroleum refinery can potentially reduce the volume and cost of raw water used in refinery operations. Furthermore, improved water management may result in reductions in wastewater flow or contaminant load or both. Lower flow and contaminant load may result in lower wastewater treatment operating and maintenance costs. Optimized water management may also reduce the mass of contaminants in the treated effluent, thus improving the quality of a wastewater discharge and ultimately the environmental impact of a refinery's discharge.