Ipieca and the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

As per the first two Ipieca Principles, Ipieca and its members are committed to supporting the Paris Agreement and its aims.

Over the past three decades, Ipieca has participated in UN climate conventions - from Rio through to Paris and beyond. Ipieca supports the Paris Agreement which was reached at the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) and committed all countries to undertake action on climate change and report on their progress for the first time.

Ipieca attends the annual Conferences of the Parties (COPs) of the UNFCCC as an official observer and provides members with summaries of the meetings. The association also supports debate on relevant topics by hosting events alongside the conferences. Ipieca does not lobby on behalf of the industry, but aims to increase understanding and provide timely information to members and key stakeholders.

When requested, Ipieca supports pre-COP technical workshops and assessments run by subsidiary bodies of UNFCCC, providing industry technical input and sharing good practice. These workshops and assessments are critical to the success of COP events as they provide the negotiators at COP events with the scientific and technical knowledge they need to make informed and ambitious decisions to support the realisation of the Paris Agreement.

Find out more about Ipieca's role at COP events.

Ipieca at COP29

Find out about Ipieca's on-site activities and role in COP29.

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Ipieca and the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

Ipieca is an observer organization and provides technical input when requested on the reports produced by the IPCC, such as the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) and the Special Report on Carbon Capture and Storage. The secretariat and member company representatives also attend IPCC meetings as observers.

Ipieca held dedicated sessions for its members where IPCC lead authors presented the Working Groups I, II and III reports of the Sixth Assessment Report, Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change (AR6).

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