Our publications are free to download. If you wish to obtain hard copies, please contact the Secretariat.
This document identifies the principal health and safety issues when an oil spill occurs, their degree of severity and the practical steps to minimize the impact of the spill.
Indicators for the health performance of the industry are a necessary part of effective health management and the promotion of improvements in health performance.
Twelve e-learning modules to support the industry and its supply chain to improve awareness and management of labour rights issues.
This Ipieca-IOGP guidance is designed to help HSE/SD professionals to develop biodiversity action plans (BAPs) for their activities and projects.
The objective of this guidance is to provide a structured framework to guide practitioners, towards the implementation of an effective and efficient local content measurement and reporting process. It offers a roadmap to select, collect, and analyze metrics.
Guidance to support practitioners in developing robust social baselines for offshore project impacts to fisheries.
This document provides guidance for business leaders, HSE professionals, and health practitioners on the business case for outcome-focused and cost-effective medical emergency response (MER) and primary healthcare in the energy industries.
The Ipieca-OGCI Natural climate solutions: high carbon stock ecosystems management guidance supports the Paris Agreement goals by setting out the key principles to help energy companies conserve, enhance and restore the high carbon stock ecosystems where they operate.
A summary of the Ipieca-OGCI guidance on natural climate solutions management.
This guidance considers the effects of oil releases on fisheries, tourism and other commercial activities, and outlines available compensation schemes.