Our publications are free to download. If you wish to obtain hard copies, please contact the Secretariat.
This new Operating Management System Framework is designed to help companies define and achieve performance goals and stakeholder benefits, while managing the broad and significant range of risks inherent in the oil and gas industry.
Providing an overview of good practices and strategies, this practical document explores a range of key mercury management issues encompassing environmental controls, worker health and safety, process safety, product safety, waste management, and product stewardship.
A manual for implementing operational-level grievance mechanisms and designing corporate frameworks.
Good practice guidelines for incident management and emergency response personnel (Revision 2016)
In the event of a major incident, neighbouring companies may be asked to provide responders, oil spill response equipment and associated materials, either individually or as part of a mutual aid programme.
In general, mutual aid plans are written to encompass the possibility that respondersThis guide presents a systematic process for the onshore industry to select water sources that best meet project needs within the broader context of local or regional water management.
Responder training is an essential pre-condition for effective oil spill response, which requires personnel who understand... (Revision 2)
Despite the best intentions of an on-water response to an oil spill at sea or in a river, the likelihood is that at least some of the spilled oil will eventually reach the shoreline. (Revision 2016)
This Guide describes how human rights can be integrated into environmental, social and health impact assessments (ESHIAs), which the oil and gas industry routinely uses to evaluate projects and activities.
The Cross Sector Biodiversity Initiative (CSBI) Timeline Tool has been designed to assist project planning in the extractives industries to better align project development, biodiversity impact management, and financial timelines and milestones.