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Good practice guidelines for incident management and emergency response personnel (Revision 2016)
The Cross-Sector Biodiversity Initiative (CSBI) guide provides practical guidance, innovative approaches and examples to support operationalizing the mitigation hierarchy effectively.
Good practice guidelines for incident management and emergency response personnel.
Good practice guidelines for incident management and emergency response personnel.
Good practice guidelines for incident management and emergency response personnel.
Good practice guidelines for incident management and emergency response personnel.
This report provides recommended practice for GIS/mapping in support of oil spill response...
Oil spill contingency planning is the process of developing a suitable spill response capability that is in compliance with the local regulatory framework and commensurate with the oil spill risks of an organization or facility. (Revision 2016)
Dispersant use can be an effective way of minimizing the overall ecological and socio-economic damage, by preventing oil from reaching coastal habitats and shorelines (Revision 2016)
This guidance is an addendum to the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) existing HSE Management - guidelines for working together in a contract environment
Title Type Theme Published Download A guide to oiled shoreline clean-up techniques Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 11 Jun 2015 A cross-sector guide for implementing the Mitigation Hierarchy Good practice guidance Nature 06 Jun 2015 Dispersants: subsea application Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 01 Jun 2015 Response strategy development using net environmental benefit analysis (NEBA) Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 01 Jun 2015 Impacts of oil spills on shorelines Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 21 May 2015 In-water surveillance of oil spills at sea Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 01 May 2015 Common Operating Picture Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 17 Apr 2015 Contingency planning for oil spills on water Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 15 Apr 2015 Dispersants: surface application Good practice guidance Marine spill preparedness and response 15 Apr 2015 Health management contract guidelines for clients and contractors Good practice guidance People 15 Apr 2015