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Sulphur is naturally present in crude oil, and must be removed to create lower sulphur fuels. The removal processes present large technological and resource challenges.
International cooperation will be critical if society is to efficiently manage the risks posed by global climate change. This workshop considered the future of international policy architectures to manage climate change risk.
This publication communicates how the oil and gas industry is using partnerships to respond to challenges of meeting global energy demand and to contribute to sustainable development. The publication explores the partnering process through challenges and lessons learned identified by Ipieca members and their partners in the forty case studies featured.
The goal of this workshop was to advance understanding of the role of CO2 capture and geological storage, and strategies to improve its performance and prospects. This booklet summarizes the discussions and presentations made at the workshop.
This document provides background, starting-point references and resources to help regulators, engineers, refiners and marketers plan and execute the phase out of leaded gasoline. It features extracts from documents written by Ipieca members
Title Type Theme Published Download Fuel sulphur: strategies and options for enabling clean fuels and vehicles Good practice guidance Climate 28 May 2006 International policy approaches to address the climate change challenge Workshop Climate 15 May 2006 Partnerships in the oil and gas industry. Good practice guidance Climate, Nature, People, Sustainability, Marine spill preparedness and response 13 Apr 2006 Carbon dioxide capture and geological storage: contributing to climate change solutions Workshop Climate 15 Oct 2003 Getting the lead out: downstream strategies and resources for phasing out leaded gasoline Good practice guidance Climate 14 Oct 2003