Calendar25 October 2024

Find out how Ipieca has supported UN initiatives on climate, nature, people, and sustainability over the past three months.

One of Ipieca’s core roles is to support UN conventions and agreements. We do this by raising awareness and providing technical support. Ipieca develops good practice which enables oil, gas and alternative energy companies to contribute to their fulfilment.

UN events, meetings and webinars

The first Industrial Transition Accelerator leadership council meeting

Ipieca CEO Brian Sullivan took part in the first leadership council meeting of the Industrial Transition Accelerator (ITA), during Climate Week NYC.

Launched at COP28 UAE, the ITA aims to accelerate decarbonisation across sectors including oil and gas and users of its products in the heavy industry and heavy-duty transport sectors.

The meeting brought together industry associations representing each sector to identify synergies, technologies and good practices that can support these important drivers of the global economy to decarbonise. Find out more.

Pre-COP29 Bonn Climate Change Conference

Ipieca Secretariat representatives participated in the conference, which convened government, business and NGO representatives to provide governments with the scientific and technical knowledge needed to make informed and ambitious decisions during COP29 in Baku. Find out more.

UN High-level Political Forum

Ipieca Deputy CEO Sophie Depraz and Ipieca Sustainability and Social Performance Director Isabel Miranda represented Ipieca at the High-level Political Forum, the main UN platform for the SDGs. They took part in events organized by UN DESA, USCIB, WBA and GRI, sharing the Ipieca-WBCSD SDG roadmap progress report: April 2024. Find out more.

UNEP webinar on social and gender considerations in the energy sector

Ipieca’s Sustainability and Social Performance Director Isabel Miranda spoke on this webinar which discussed social and employment considerations associated with the energy transition, with a focus on ways to encourage women’s representation in the energy mix. Find out more.

Ipieca webinar on Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool

Ipieca organized a webinar for its members on the Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT), produced by UNEP-World Conservation Monitoring Centre, BirdLife International, IUCN and Conservation International. IBAT provides data, tools and guidance that help organizations act on biodiversity related risks and opportunities. Find out more.

Adding value to UN international days

Ipieca raises awareness of UN days among its members and through its external channels, sharing good practice guidance which aligns with the themes of these days. This quarter we promoted World Maritime Day and the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People.

Guidance to drive action on UN conventions

Purpose: a digital app to assist governments and companies in assessing their level of oil spill response planning and readiness management. UN conventions it aligns with: the IMO International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships and the UN Convention for Biological Diversity.

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Purpose: to support oil, gas and alternative energy companies and practitioners to undertake meaningful engagement with local stakeholders. UN convention it aligns with: the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

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Purpose: provides guidance for prevention and management of IAS across all project phases for onshore and offshore oil, gas and renewables projects. UN convention it aligns with: the UN CBD’s Global Biodiversity Framework, which has a target focused on reducing the rates of IAS.

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Ipieca Principles - what we stand for

A condition of membership, the Ipieca Principles are grouped around our four strategic pillars of climate, nature, people and sustainability. Each thematic area includes two principles: the first drives support for a UN convention or initiative, the second advances the environmental and social performance of member companies' operations.

  • Climate
    1. Support the Paris Agreement and its aims.
    2. Advance emissions reduction and innovation and enable adoption of low-carbon products and solutions across oil, gas and/or alternative energy.
  • Nature
    1. Support the aims of the UN Convention for Biological Diversity.
    2. Responsibly manage operational impacts on the natural environment and ecosystem services.
  • People
    1. Support the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
    2. Promote the health, wellbeing and social inclusion of workforces and local communities relating to operations, and contribute to the social and economic development of host communities and countries.
  • Sustainability
    1. Support the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as embodied by the Sustainable Development Goals.
    2. Integrate sustainability across activities, increase transparency and engage with key stakeholders.

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