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The webinar will cover the genesis and state of play of the Net Zero Teesside project that aims to facilitate the first decarbonised industrial cluster in the UK.
Hydrogen is a flexible energy carrier that produces low greenhouse gas emissions, and could be used across a range of energy-intensive sectors: electricity generation; transport; heat and cooling for industrial, business and private residential use. It also has energy storage potential. Natural gas coupled with CCS may offer an affordable and scalable option for the provision of hydrogen as a global energy carrier.
Ipieca has released updated guidance on lower-sulphur fuels, managing road transport emissions and improving air quality. Find the executive summary here.
Ipieca has released updated guidance on lower-sulphur fuels, managing road transport emissions and improving air quality.
The publication is designed to provide guidance for stakeholders across the marine fuels and shipping industries, from fuel blenders and suppliers to end users.
Ipieca has released a new awareness brief, Exploring low-emissions pathways for transport which builds on the 2016 Ipieca publication Exploring low-emission pathways: Advancing the Paris Puzzle.
Many Ipieca member companies have for a number of years been successfully reducing gas flaring, which is the combustion of natural gas produced as a by-product of petroleum production operations. Although flaring reduction makes good environmental and business sense, there is still a stubbornly high level of routine flaring globally.
This webinar series aims to support deployment of CCS and help attendees understand how it can contribute to both the Paris Agreement and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
This awareness briefing aims to ensure that the benefits and limitations of scenario analysis tools, and disclosure of their use, are clearly understood.
This new fact sheet explores the scale-up and deployment of CCS in more detail and presents a series of facts about the necessary development of this technology.
Title Type Theme Published Download The Net Zero Teesside project - advancing CCUS and net zero emissions Webinar Climate 26 May 2020 Achieving net zero with hydrogen and CCS Webinar Climate 27 Apr 2020 Lower-sulphur fuels, road transport strategies and air quality improvements (Executive summary) Good practice guidance Climate 01 Feb 2020 Lower-sulphur fuels, road transport strategies and air quality improvements Good practice guidance Climate 01 Feb 2020 Joint Industry Guidance on the supply and use of 0.50%-sulphur marine fuel Good practice guidance Climate 20 Aug 2019 Exploring low-emissions pathways for transport Awareness brief Climate 14 Aug 2019 World Bank flare reduction strategy Webinar Climate 30 Jul 2019 Carbon capture and storage webinar series (2019) Webinar Climate 09 Jul 2019 The role of scenario analysis in climate reporting Awareness brief Climate 01 Mar 2019 Making the case for carbon capture and storage Fact sheet Climate 21 Jan 2019